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i was on omegle text chat and i talked to a man hating lesbian who kept insulting me (cuz i am a man) and i want to experience that again :(
Replies: >>17293
I deserve at least one reply :<
Replies: >>17295
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>>17238 (OP) 
Pervert. You require re-education.
Replies: >>17298
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Suck my fucking dick
Also all lesbians are man-hating dykes
In what way may I ask?

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hot sticky semen i love it so much i love when people call me a whore and i do things that they say is slutty,. i would wear anything they think is hot oor slutty because its good to make people enjoy me espicially big black cock ppl
Replies: >>17281
>>17280 (OP) 
No clothes for you, Kitten. 
Your bull needs full access to your body at a moment's notice.

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maby it is just my delusion...
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You have the same watch do you even use the App it comes with?
Replies: >>17263
I’ll change it to something cool and show you
1 second
Replies: >>17266
Replies: >>17268
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covfefe toime
Replies: >>17269

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you want me to be an asshole okey i will be an asshole
confidence is so sexy
Replies: >>17228 >>17229
even if it just pretending i am soft inside
uhhhhhh i mean suck my fat german cock or something
 god this is so retarded 
Why isn't it like it used to be? Back then you could still say: "Hey, let's go have a cocoa." Today: Ey bitch suck my cock
Replies: >>17253
seriously, ever since the world took a massive shit in general, the normieshits got a little too comfortably rowdy
what's it gonna take to instill some decency and humility into them again

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goodbye mattress hope you will be happy
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I listen to drunk rant after drunk rant via discord for him and happily put up with it, I’m the best he’s got.
You know nothing about me or my character you dumb sissy
>I’m the best he’s got.
sheesh, my condolences OP
Replies: >>17251 >>17252
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How I feel right now about being a severly brainwormed autistic zoomer who grew up on the internet
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How I feel being all of that + annoying too

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anyone in for a round of soggy biscuit?
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I used to play soggy flan with my friends back in school myself
Replies: >>17224
we need one more person 
where is the guy who nutted on my face lole
Replies: >>17236
Or the serial post-nutter who cums on magick printouts

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I've been meaning to eat my own cum more but I always have the urge really strongly not to if I haven't showered like right before
Replies: >>17218
what would showering change?
Replies: >>17219
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lint mostly
dry sweat/cum/piss
Replies: >>17220
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keep your dick clean sister
Replies: >>17221
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Well that's what showers are for
I wish it was 2pm in the middle of summer all day every day so having a shower and drying in the scorched air was instant like it always is but it ain't so I don't. I'm also wearing clothes so even if I wash myself unless I get a new set every time it feels like all four concerns still apply

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Not accepting boyfriend and girlfriend applications
Requirements: Fuck off
Email me at for enquiries
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hurry up and lose that body fat.
even your cock looks reddit
Replies: >>17159
Circumcised hands typed this
beer belly
Replies: >>17163
Don’t, you’re gonna turn magick on

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i have a mild headache :c
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Replies: >>17162
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i only take pain meds when its rly bad my mom got dependent on otc meds and it fr*cked her up so now im scared of them
so i ate sum ediblels instead :3
Replies: >>17110 >>17155
i don't think you can get addicted to paracetamol
Replies: >>17150
you can OD for a slow painful death on it though
The doctor gave me 100 codeine pills like it was nothing a couple months ago, I only needed a few to get me through the first few days of an injury
and they wonder why people get addicted
>>17104 (OP) 
It's a mild metastatic brain tumor.

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