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squishies become the personal property of the first male (male) that ejaculates inside them and coats the inside of their colon with their hot, virile semen.
subshit rp is for losers

do you really trust someone whose taste is so shit that they're a top to make good decisions on your behalf
Replies: >>22980
>t. big stinki man who will never be a twink

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When I'm cumming with something thrusting in me touching or even lightly brushing (if anything, strong motions have less effect) the surface of my 'tummy' and abdomen it causes a massive reaction in the muscle of the surface.
It seems to be restricted specifically to the skeletal muscle and some of it's supports, though I could easily be mistaken. I was trying 'deep' (not that deep cos even tapering to a medium width is still too much for me, but certainly past the line of demarcation) anal with the thrusting machine for the first time and when I brushed over my navel environs the reaction was so strong I had to stretch after to avoid like a cramp.

Anyone know what's going on? When you're cumming are your action potentials just super charged and minor semi-autonomous stuff gets exaggerated, or what? I swear that most things that get a strong response are being suppressed at this time (e.g. throat feelings) rather than enhanced. Is this a consequence of where/what the blood is going/doing, or sympathetic somehow to autonomous smooth muscle activity?
Replies: >>22973
It's common when a lady fucks you
>>22960 (OP) 
>>22960 (OP) 
You have a lot of crosstalk in the parts of the brain involved in those 2 sensations, I could almost say your intense coom sessions have created neural pathways that led to completely unrelated sensations interfering with each other, if it's painful I would take care in not touching this area while cooming, or learn to stretch and relax this muscle group when you fap, not all muscle groups feel good when tensed up for too long like when in the middle of an orgasm.
Replies: >>22975
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>You have a lot of crosstalk in the parts of the brain
Genuinely don't think this is a thing (in general, at all, ever, under any circumstance besides grossly invasive surgery)
>You have a lot of crosstalk in the parts of the brain involved in those 2 sensations
unless by "in the parts of the brain" you mean the nerve in my abdomen that are virtually on the other end of my body to my brain.
It's definitely a local reaction that doesn't take the time of something going up to the brain and back down anyhow. It's a sudden muscular contraction like touching a hot kettle unexpectedly.
>if it's painful I would take care in not touching this area while cooming, or learn to stretch and relax this muscle group when you fap, not all muscle groups feel good when tensed up for too long like when in the middle of an orgasm.
It's the good type of pain. Again, and quite surprisingly, it isn't very sexual in nature (it isn't really pain either, just a surprising reaction).
Conventionally, I like put off anal till after exercise cos it's my experience that you feel the tired muscles more and it's better, especially when you're actually cumming, but if anything I'd have said that that usually reduces the intensity of the external-stimulus reaction in the OP. At the time of making the OP and having the experience des
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whats the best discord matrix server chat app?
i want to like matrix/element but in some regards it's so bad like due to performance issues they disabled online presence on the main matrix instance and they still haven't fixed this it's been years already
Replies: >>22953
try xmpp
Replies: >>22954
isn't this protocol unironically deader than irc outside big name systems that are closed from the rest of the public xmpp servers

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i want to die
Replies: >>22951
>>22950 (OP) 
same bro
lets die

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if i dont know ur face
in the other world
a bubbl3
would i still recognize you
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Replies: >>22945
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Stella, mein Schatz. 
Du siehst so hübsch aus.
Möchtest du meine Weißwurst essen?
Replies: >>22947
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im sorry for being racist nigger
Replies: >>22949
Du machst Witze.
Ich bin deinen geliebt Schwartzmensch.

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did mattress finally killed himself?
Replies: >>22948
We can but hope
More likely he's just off attention whoring somewhere with more people
Replies: >>21835
Wow that's especially low quality
It's kind of impressive
telling mila u posted this
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>>21832 (OP) 
he'll wish he had the option

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Replies: >>22940
>>22939 (OP) 
when's vedal coming back, I think i ran out of highlight videos to watch because I already saw every neuro-sama moment

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Can you help me find a gf?
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Replies: >>22936 >>22937
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it had 5 matches with girls way out of my leauge
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sigh it's over

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Why do boys do this?
because they stop believing in themselves and start believing in ideas

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I've been grooming him into being gay for months
I'm coming to rob you
Replies: >>22913
come birmingham
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