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As your maid prepares your morning coffee, a vast volume and variety of magnificent chemical reactions are occuring within her body to bully her aching prostate into releasing her warm, nutritious boymilk!
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isn't cum into coffee notoriously bad because it's basically immisicible and it just leads to the weird badness of the water-removed cum remainders at the bottom of the cup?
Replies: >>28763
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When you ejaculate, the sperm coagulate in contact with air so they become goopy and don't spill out of your (female) partner, after a few minutes, some enzymes actívate and make the combined fluid runny again, if you coom into coffee, the enzymes get dissolved and separated from the mixture and it never has a chance to become runny.
The only way you can drink the coffee boymilk beverage is to wait for the boymilk to airate for a few minutes, but that's not nearly as sexy as sperming into coffee.

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everytime you fap, god gives admin a suicidal thought...
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cage the cock in order to save this site's high culture?
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>everytime you fap, god gives admin a suicidal thought...

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Why is Kagamine Len so cute and huggable?
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you'll die of heart disease at 25
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i accept your concession, fatso
bruh kys
Replies: >>28744 >>28747
he'll do it soon enough mate
post that pic of yourself to assert your dominance over this fat fuck

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how do you eat numbers I don't understand
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eating a whole day's worth of calories in a week will get you to lose just 3.3lbs, being cute is suffering
have you done that
post bloated belly
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cardio helps
In 3 months that's like 40lbs, it's like a journey, undoing a lifetime of bad choices takes a while

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Troonjak posters want what they can't have because they have no discipline.
Being cute is hard work but I believe in u

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mattress pls if you are hiding somewhere, or harming yourself
stop both and go talk to mila
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he lead a suicide cult
that's pretty bad i think
Replies: >>28558 >>28559
Cute legs.
if you can say that pedo sex is providing a service to a minor, you can say the same of a suicide cult providing a service to suicidal people
Replies: >>28560
i never said that and also there was like 8000 of them and not all were suicidal when they registered
Replies: >>28562
a lot of us were though lol
i guess it was a service to me
but i'm still alive on planet earth..

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progesterone makes u bpd and bis*xedual and horny on ur own boysmell and also menhera if you overdose
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It is fine, you don't need to forgive me
I am deeply sorry once again
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silly af

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Dont forget to attend evil neuro's birthday party.

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i had the crying dream again yuo know the one where whatever the dream was about b4 stops and yop just sit there dreamsobbing until you wake up breathless and feel like youre still dreaming for hours u frends have that one right
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probably but its hard to understan u fren
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sorry lole i am not sober i will try to explain better
i was having a more or less normal dream about giant tarantulas when, after a scene transition to my bed that i dont't remember very well, i was overwhelmed with an extreme feeling of sadnness and loneliness and for the rest of the dream all i could do was curl in up in a ball loudly weeping until i woke up unable to breathe and still feeling like i'm about to cry
i imagine its like those dreams where youre teeth disintegrate in that its just one of those things everyone has sometimes c:
Replies: >>28530
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yeah ive had dreams that i wake up crying from, even dreams that ruin my day, sorry that happened to u fren
Replies: >>28531
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ty fren its nice to have someone to talk to C:
Replies: >>28534
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we're all brothers in arms after all <3

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