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Replies: >>11976
>>11973 (OP) 
no way
white boys when they leave for college
Replies: >>38281
less to do with race but whether you pass or not in your younger years id say
I forgot what I looked like before hrt. I just played video games to avoid reality back then. I never even took a single picture of myself or kept any family photos.
Replies: >>38305
Post tits

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this is an accurate depiction of what happens when you call a boy cute, it melts his brain and makes him do stupid things like crossdress to get more complements
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sluts4sale giveaway??
I wouldnt trust anyone on this site to mod
Build an AI to sniff cp out and filter it instead, far more trustworthy
Replies: >>38297
What if it blocks the tummy pics?? :x
Replies: >>38298
Take it to discord
What do you have to do to login on jschan? Without javascript, I mean. Is there a login landing page?

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i liek the cornfelx fro mtehsu dsoerparmekt gstore the ones you ccan buy supoeramekt , i liek things liek cornfelx , u i like the ones like lion cereal i salso like the oreo ones newly i like it u should tyr ^_^ so tasty and good, and wonderful, whats yur favorite serial?
3 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>21878 >>21886
>>21874 (OP) 
you like the oreo ones?
don't ruin your figure
Replies: >>38300
>>21874 (OP) 
why does this sound ljke my paralysis demon
I mostly know kellog for giving people super enemas and then using yogurt dolloped into both ends as a probiotic to replace the microbiome
I've doubts about that story though because people talk about 15 gallon all-the-way-through enemas and all else aside my understanding is that that would kill you from disrupting your electrolyte balance. It'd suck all the salt out of your body and your nerves would stop working. People get water poisoning from like 6L in the span of over an hour at marathons so surely a 15G enema would kill you.

There was an image of a(n anime) girl vomitting a turd from being hosed out in some edgy shit but it looks like it got caught by some sort of weird anti-scat crusade. I bet the gorehounds still have it
this is my post u stole this from me

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The Japanese are OBSESSED with mayo. Their version is sickeningly sweet, and they put it on everything, including pizza. It's very disgusting.
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drinkable mayonnaise

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I went on /mlp/ and learned their fandom is a literal cult. They call dying "going to Equestria" and practice lucid dreaming and tulpas to hangout with ponies.
Replies: >>38293
I went on /jp/ and learned their fandom is a literal cult. They call dying "going to Gensokyo" and practice lucid dreaming and tulpas to hangout with touhous.
I tuned out of MLP a decade ago, was there anything from their fandom that wasn't just a bastardization of things touhoufags were doing already?
Fluffy pony abuse was just yukkuri abuse lole
Replies: >>38294
>>38288 (OP) 
Wait till you learn what they wanna do with those ponies in their sleep
how do you know it's not convergent evolution?

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an automatic anti-spam measure is in effect on the site from now on 

i'm unsure if there will be any false positives, but if you get instantly banned after posting a thread, please let me know via email, as i rarely (i.e. virtually never) check the built in appeals system 

i'm not sure how good this will be, so if you're annoyed by cp staying up while i'm asleep or indisposed in some other way volunteer moderators would be welcome
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Replies: >>38284 + 3 earlier
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<To apply for mod status, post tummy.
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>>38273 (OP) 
thanks for all your hard work
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You should make me moderator. 
I will ban all the sluts who flirt with Magick so I can have him all for myself.
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oh cool, now i don't have to worry about the ghosts that live in my walls looking over my shoulder, seeing my screen, and judging me when I'm in my room on this site at 3am

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loook at that waistless figure, that's a man
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does it count when they weren't even on the same continent?
I was just wondering
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someone i haven't spoken to in 7 years talked about my hot mom again today
Replies: >>38252
what did he say
Replies: >>38278
He said "Me and your mother have something very important we need to tell you".

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board has been inactive lately, not many threads 
don't miss the chance to really make a relevant site
96 replies and 43 files omitted. View the full thread
well, I guess another day when you are in the mood, also hope you get better soon
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don't miss your chance
Replies: >>38268
he's missing the chance
Replies: >>38269
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like always huh?
Replies: >>38271
he's sucha loser

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Replies: >>38255
>>38010 (OP) 

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Imagine taking a test where the results are actually a surprise to you, I already know I'm schizoid and just all around distrustful of strangers.
Replies: >>37825
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Replies: >>37825
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Mine from a few years ago.
Replies: >>37825
so good
U can alwys change ur schizoid Ways!!!
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