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they're making 4chan greentexts into anime nowadays 
what a time to be alive
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Replies: >>10142 + 1 earlier
umm you're too young to sarcastically lampoon the state of 4chan
Replies: >>10117
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Right. But I got imageboard addicted when I was 12.
That wasn't about 4cuck itself anyway, just the sphere around making content about it. Some people have made entire livings off uploading AI-generated greentext videos for retards to watch. Too bad it's too late to ride the wave now.
>>10040 (OP) 
What show is this? Saucenao didn't work.
Replies: >>10143
it's original animation from a youtuber, otaku-vs

Replies: >>10273
ugly western trash

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Here we see the femboy cryptoid skinwalker as it struggles to breathe, its daily intake of HRT has run low and the creature has become desperate; it now stalks the rooms of the unwilling and unknowing in an attempt to find anything with estrogen. Its small and weak frame allows it to slip in between the walls undetected.
el goblino
Replies: >>10272

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Just checking, but you are using the index view while browsing this site, right?
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Replies: >>10261 >>10268
You should always be using the index regardless, it's how imageboards are supposed to be used.
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>>10243 (OP) 
Yes I do only browse the internet using my Valve Index.
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>>10243 (OP) 
no, i'm using the clearly superior version of lurking imageboards that is the catalog and you can't stop me
Replies: >>10269
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it objectively isn't for slow sites like this one
i use indices for slow sites and catalogues for fast sites

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>only 2 doremi threads
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All except Onpu cos she's evil
saeed went insane
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pirika pirilala popolina peperuto! 
please fix s4s!

Replies: >>10264
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ha! i fixed it!
Replies: >>10264
thank you for your hard work

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Why is he doing that?
that's a shitty edit in the original he's looking at frilly dresses

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Imagine a sex organ that becomes a ticking time bomb if you never use it!
Empty your prostate of prostatic fluids at least a few times a week to avoid enlarged prostate and prostate cancer!
I don't want things in my butt, anon, I mean squishy
Replies: >>10258
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that's some weak pussy shit, man the fuck up

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this is the tfw no bf thread
in this ITT we tfw no bf to gibe back to back org*sms till u nearly pass out lole
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that's why you need a bf
top-down_bottom-up is so hote
fornication with hounds
Replies: >>10254
this is an amusing bulletin board comment

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The gogurt girl
Replies: >>10251
>>10189 (OP) 
dumb boy eating store bought yogurt from the wrong hole

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that's just the false god of man tricking you into thinking you're powerless so you're easier to control
dork thread
Replies: >>10245
you're like a dumb little parrot
Replies: >>10246 >>10248
dork reply
I love Magick, he's my little cockatiel.

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23 replies and 12 files omitted. View the full thread
I don't really understand the question tbqh
People aren't attracted to other people/themselves right? Unless you're completely insane and exclusively a product of your current narrative it's all just fronting, people actually are just attracted to doing things that they enjoy, right?
Replies: >>10211
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are you gonna fill out the survey or will it be your surviving family members
Replies: >>10212 >>10221
what's it to you
Replies: >>10213
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the agency quota i have to fill
Pretty sure I already did
I wasn't sure I guess but I guess hey time really is a flat circle

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