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life not happy and nice i want to die
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cloth belt, 24+hrs without interruption (3+ days better), constrictor knot, side of the neck, doorknob, get on it
Replies: >>31303
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you could use all this negative energy to make my day nicer
Replies: >>31304
I'm literally giving you advice which is practical and useful for your claimed position
Don't be a fronting bitch
Replies: >>31305
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i dont wanna suffer
Replies: >>31306
That's why I suggested something that's pretty comfortable and easy, retard
Give it a try. Tie a constrictor knot around your neck, feel how it feels when it's tightened, feel how it feels when you put weight into it. It's really not that bad.

Stop being a nigger that constantly whines but then never does or even contemplates doing anything about the things he whines about.

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the 30 year old zoomer
Replies: >>31302
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what if i just kill myself bitch huuh
Just two and a bit years till 30 year old zoomers are real

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Magick is beautiful she brights.
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Why does Magick trick young boys into consuming her belly button lint?
Replies: >>31294
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Sacrifices to restrain the beast

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gay and retarded boys belong to their onee-chans
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yeah im doing the 100 calorie diet after taking this picture 
thighs ruined from eating too many sweets.
17 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
still right btw
Replies: >>31267
You were never right but you're so clearly and demonstrably wrong that there isn't really anything to say to add to it.
this isnt good at all
Replies: >>31279
Did you ever recover from being fat?
Replies: >>31280
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Wow admeme is racist against indonesians
shocking revelation
Replies: >>31272
>>31271 (OP) 
i hope adchad the madlad hates jeets too
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I wonder if this is what that guy was talking about when he said
>immoral ways like gambling on AI

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the abyssal zone
cute bunneh
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reminds me of civet cats

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just watched the first episode of nige jouzu no wakagimi  without reading the shows synopsis or knowing anything about it, the op was really upbeat and zany and the first half of the episode made me think  it's going to be some kind of lighthearted historic comedy

this deredere girl got introduced and i'm thinking to myself wow this is nice but then there's an enormous tonal shift in  the second half of the episode and the girl gets literally raped and murdered 10 minutes later and the boys clan is slaughtered to a man in graphic gory detail 

very nice character designs and art though, i like the clothes, i even recognized the clan mon from shogun
i'll keep watching it
nige jouzo more like nigga bozo

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i tried to get 2 fingers in but im still to tight
19 replies and 9 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>31245
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Hasn't he done both of those?
>at least he doesn't cut himself
Nothing wrong with that anyway
Replies: >>30774 >>31206
of course there is you maladjusted weirdo
i copied denjin za**rger and i just ended up in the psych ward maybe because i didnt do my torso
Replies: >>31207
Cute little illiterate
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>>24650 (OP) 
You’re not too tight, you just haven’t relaxed your asshole.
Use lots of lube and slowly slowly insert your fingers while trying to relax all your muscles.
Once they’re fully in keep them there and relax and then eventually you can move them in and out quickly.

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I think it's really funny how mtfs complain about being forever alone and unwanted by men but then they also voice their disgust toward any man who would accept them as is, they're all "chasers" and need to get blocked.
Why are they like this?
Replies: >>19951
>>19950 (OP) 
so true oomfie
female brained from female hormones
/lgbt/ on 4chan pleaaase
cute boy

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