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rabbit rabbit rabbit
that is a drawing
Replies: >>21998
did i stutter
Replies: >>21999
prove it

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going to make a vocaloidnsong
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ooh i really dislike when people are unreasonably vulgar, loud, and rude ;^; i feel terrible around people with bad manners and little regard for others
ooh i always straighten my bangs at least five times ^-^ my hair is just naturally quite thick, but i still struggle with it being flat too ;^; so i just run my hands through it aaaall of the time to make it seem dense HEHW ♡
you're a very cute friend of mine i always love interacting with uuuuu i just wanted to say this hehehe
jirai pieces as well as accessories like brooches and socks and skirts can all be found on shopee !! I like dearmylove liz lisa ^-^
i can't believe it's already 2009 ........ ???? haiiiiii ♡ !!!!!! yahh !! blghryaa !! hnngg .. nnmyaa ♡ !!
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self acceptance, life made meaningful on the basis of human connection and being adored by the most important
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i don’t really like newgen terms like cutecore
Replies: >>21906
>i don’t really like newgen terms like cutecore
Preliminary investigation suggests that morute is also tumblr nonsense with no relation to the actual fashion brands
           ..... -- .
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   ∠ο〇::⌒〇ο:つ:;ヽ  、O:::::::の
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*vomits cutely*
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i called them crazy because thats all they talk about
they asked me to write a document explaining why i had mood swings XD
i wont embarrass them further
Replies: >>21983
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now they threatened me to stop posting
>why dont you give them one bad thing that i said in the past 30 days
>like holy shit the amount ive improved the past 30 days?
You called the police on someone unprovoked liek a week ago dude lol wtf
Replies: >>21985
cant post the suicide threats of them wanting to jump out of the window instantly and them stressing the living fuck out of me cuz ill be good now
Replies: >>21986
Can't post em cos they don't exist
>them wanting to jump out of the window
That's not a suicide threat lol

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So this is what condoms are for
sucked like 3 or 4 g of cum off my hand and it actually tasted kinda alright
I guess this is clean living
I always thought cum was bad for you because it's set of like allergic kinda immune reactions because the sperm sort of attack your cells but I can't really find anything about that
I guess fungi do the same thing and they're a health food in a sense because they stimulate the immune system, so I guess it's more like spicy food and it's good for you
It's very nutritious too of course. You can taste the zinc

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I still don't understand how frenulum bully holds his pebis to get the insane orgasms he describes, maybe he plays with his butt, that would definitely do it.
10 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>21970
rent free
Replies: >>15336
you are right the boulder is free
Replies: >>15347
Free rental apartments in Boulder Colorado?
>>15199 (OP) 
once you buy a prostate massager you can never go back to bepis only orgasms

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gross fat hag
0% sex

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5 moners
Replies: >>21954
>>21953 (OP) 
Not one
Nor two
But 5 (five) monerinoOoOoOs
Replies: >>21958
worth 85 pesos

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the extremely masculine urge to dress up like a girl and ummm... Hmmhhhggfghtg uhhhh
I would do that
Replies: >>21937 >>21942
That's gay in an uncute way
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groping magick in a sexual way!
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gimmie the sauce!!

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