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It's more like an /lgbt/-themed off-topic shitposting board.
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Replies: >>37426
im more curious how you can up with such a retarded take that acts blindly ignorant of current [esfores]
telling by the image i think you did so on purpose so im curious of your shitposting tactics
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Your Fortune: Bad Luck
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Your Fortune: Bad Luck
>>37398 (OP) 
Why should it? 
If it did and that's all it was, you'd post something else but of different flavor like 
>why does dis le boarde exist???? its just a le carbon copie of s4s xdddd
<too gay and rarted for [s4s]
<not retrarted enough to post on /lgbt/

/fa/ is kinda ok, so many catty twinks on there tho
Replies: >>37435
catty is such a gay word to use
Replies: >>37439
twinks r gay tho

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slut, whore even
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Replies: >>37377
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Replies: >>37377
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cute boys with eating disorders!
Replies: >>37377 >>37397
>>37344 (OP)  (dubs!)
>>37355 (dubs!)

The red Bocchi is a qt~
I posted that image
Replies: >>37419
It’s my image in fact .

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I just bought X-Com 2 for my Nintendo Switch for just eight dollars. Holy shit is this game fucking kino. Why have I never heard about this game series before?
it's notable enough to be the namesake for its own genre, there are xcom-likes the same way there are roguelikes
i can't call you dumb for not paying enough attention to video game trends
have fun
Replies: >>37414

lmao how are the gamecube games nowdays
Replies: >>37414
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Eating cereal with cold milk is bad for you. Try using warm milk instead.
Replies: >>37406
>>37405 (OP) 
milk is bad for you, try using cum instead
Replies: >>37407
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I can only produce a few drops of cum after an hour long goon session. My balls turned into the size of small grapes after taking hrt.
Replies: >>37408
just fap ur niplels then

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I miss gooning three times a day and shooting massive loads. Now I goon once every two or three days and only make a few drops of cum. HRT just turned my balls into tiny raisins.
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rape it is
Replies: >>37382
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>Women have to put up with an endless torrent of men interacting them with the sole objective of fucking their pussies.
>Perhaps if I chemically castrate myself and wear a wig that will make me less insufferable when I interact with them for the sole objective of fucking their pussies.
Replies: >>37400
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>Perhaps if I chemically castrate myself and wear a wig that will make me less insufferable when I interact with them for the sole objective of fucking their pussies.
Yes unironically. Except the wearing a wig part.

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One day I shot a fat nut on the sofa after gooning for about an hour. Afterwards my cat jumped on the sofa and started eating my still warm cummies.
Good music and a hearty meal for your lucky cat.
Activated autism mode and found the source

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i got 20 free meth pills
wish is an unreliable narrator
i see we have finally debased ourselves to blowing dealers for drugs
Replies: >>37380 >>37385
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>Accordingly, the problems exposed by the very idea of a form of natural history, a ‘form of development’ (is a Platonic ‘Becoming Itself by Itself’ conceivable?) initiate the ungrounding Moynihan here mines, beginning from the mechanical agony of the ‘bad back’ resulting from the vain reorientation of lithic plains subjected to organic and so impermanent resculpting: of the possible termini of the spinal reorganisation of lithic cycles, the ‘cervical zenith’ is neither absolute nor final, but only the medium from which ‘phylogenetic katabasis’ descends. The ladder of beings does not lead ever upward but attains points of critical reversal, so that its uppermost rungs are bowed to coincide with those preceding their achievement. Will this fall terminate, like that of Icarus, in abrupt confrontation with the earth, or does the Great Circle descend deeper into phylic prehistory?
>Moynihan’s graphic strategies similarly generate articulate lines. They are not records of some blunt imitation, but sensibly remediate the knotted bonds diversely formed by the intelligible and the sensible: the biped’s upright gait tends irrevocably to the quadruped’s geophilia, the forward becomes the downward and the upward geophilically forward. Crucially, this axial twisting, with the geometric trappings of ideality, is not sensibly neutral since the axes it twists
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A black man flirted with me at work! Help me be racist again before I fall prey to black cock!
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Replies: >>37233 + 1 earlier
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Replies: >>37228
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i was kidding.....................
but i went way overboard with the teasing.....
guhhhhh wtf
why did uuuu
>>37223 (OP) 
no, enjoy your monkey aids
Replies: >>37371

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Your Fortune: Bad Luck Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know Your Fortune: Bad Luck Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead Your Fortune: Bad Luck Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions Your Fortune: Abandon All Hope Your Fortune: Make Sure Your Earthly Affairs Are In Order Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead Your Fortune: Bad Luck Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead Your Fortune: Bad L
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she is me, except I have nobody
samarie sunday again!
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