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come visit the coal mines of rural appalachia, where the pennies we're paid in shine brighter than our future!
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isn't it fun, squishy,
watching the physical manifestation of the selfish human desire to transcend one's own mortality by rejecting everything natural, decay?

will you still be there when everything's gone? 
maybe some day, nature will eventually reject us.
what comes around, goes around.
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if anything, at least we'll have forests of rebar, and oceans of concrete left to explore, and most importantly, eachother.
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fight my champion
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I know it is goyslop but it tastes good and is cheap
Replies: >>24173
okay, sorry avogadoposter. just wanna make sure you know what you're getting into because most don't understand and just see the trendy foodstuff first.
Replies: >>24174
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thank you for your concern c:
i will take my own life in 647 days anyway
Replies: >>24175
well, be safe. hopefully you break free from the programming, and make the most out of every day.
 the world is your oyster.
Replies: >>24176
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there is no thing in this world that could make me happy anymore 
at least i will not die a wizard

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stop posting loser
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thats fucked up

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I have a cat, she's a girl and she lives practically all day outside.
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fuck up retard
Replies: >>24159
Replies: >>24163
Replies: >>24164
: )
Replies: >>24165

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nigger music don't click
Replies: >>24162
cry harder pussy boy

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I can hear my neighbor's computer fucking dying
2 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>24137
kill your landlord right now
Replies: >>24152
>>24124 (OP) 
Hope you own an extinguisher
Replies: >>24139 >>24152
these retards dont have extuingishers cmon
Replies: >>24152
It was the lightbulb retard
You really gonna lash out and blame other people (you haven't even told yet) cos shit is breaking down
There's one in arms reach of my door
Also my fire alarm is hearing damage tier and less than a year old
Replies: >>24153
suck my dick loser

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all of you
stop posting the same dumbass thread idiot
Spoiler File
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uncropped pic for anyone that wants it

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Is the secret to femboymaxxing just taking low dose anti-androgens like finasteride which is already well proven to stop testosterone from being converted into DHT by 50% and this is what causes hair loss and rough skin because DHT serves no real purpose in men in adulthood other than to ugly them up and attach to your hair follicles and make them fall out.
Btw this isn't medical advice lol
15 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Also with topical minoxidil, a lot of doctors don't like prescribing oral min because of the potential side effects (pericardial effusion and pedal edema) at doses used for hypertension, topical min when it's the liquid version is safe to take orally and very cheap when taken this way, a single 1 month 60ml bottle will last for 600 doses and likely expire if you bought a normal amount like a 6 month supply.
Not everyone responds to topical min because they might be missing some enzymes in their scalp but everyone has these same enzymes in their liver so oral always works wonders.

Very few people see more than 20% regrowth of lost hair on finasteride, it mostly just locks in what you already have, low dose minoxidil will absolutely reverse hair loss on men as long as their scalp isn't completely barren and shiny, vellus hairs will turn terminal again, though gains made with min will need min forever to keep those new hairs that sprouted with fin.
I've been taking 5mg daily and it's made my temples start growing back even though I haven't had hair there in years.
Replies: >>24117
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>men are too acutely aware of their own breasts
I'd say they're not enough.
If you're a gross disgusting foodbeast (and insecure about it) you're literally not even a sapient being.
>That 30% quote sounds about right when you consider 30% of men are morbidly obese and having fat tiddies is normal when youre overweight.
Yeah. It's a big limitation of this sort of review study that you're just accepting the dignoses statistics from clinic doctors and can't question if they're misdiagnosed cases of adipomastia etc. Again with the condition resolving on drug withdrawal, it really seems likely that it was just balding losers getting fat and losing the weight off the drug.
tbqh I'd been reading min as ministration, not minoxidil, and thought you were trying to hit the prostate and balls with topical (scalpI) finasteride applied to your tongue
>Very few people see more than 20% regrowth of lost hair on finasteride
That's not what the literature says
Also, who cares? Not even manface in the OP is trying to regrow lost hair
Replies: >>24121
i have the theory that minoxidil can massively increase your hair density and volume even if you're not at risk of balding, giving you fluffy eboy hair like OP
Replies: >>24122
>i have the theory that minoxidil can massively increase your hair density and volume even if you're not at risk of balding
tbqh I think that rogaine works for someone is an indication that they are currently balding
that's just what hair looks like

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hii c:

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Momma said why we hadn't gone
and when I told her, she said we'd been good for not going
Replies: >>19094
>>18917 (OP) 
every toast deserves an egg
every toast n egg needs pepper
charlie said
what does this mean, does every toast really deserve an egg
i make a hole in the middle and fry the egg in the center

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