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I miss my girlfriend
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idk I don't remember if I made this threadd and idk its meaning
Replies: >>36368
I toook too myy mmmuch and I'm sort of worried and I have to go to a party
Replies: >>36367
were you able to find a last minute costume
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idk magick, you seem confused about everything right now
do you tend to lose track of things? including your own train of thought? your own sense of self? your own concept of identity? do you just start mind wandering without even noticing what you're saying or thinking about, what you were even doing in the moment, you look back at yourself and question what you were even thinking, its like a different person was doing all that stuff, you werent even in control?
you mentioned taking dxm a bunch lately so maybe u were dissociated and thinking about random stuff, a thought comes to mind, you echo the words and make it into a thread, maybe it had a meaning and it was forgotten right after
maybe the thing you're missing is a piece of yourself?

have fun at the party though!

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I had a burger and it sucked.
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Sleepimg with her wife because she wet the bed
Your Fortune: You Do Not Wanna Know
Replies: >>36260
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snack neva sucks
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Replies: >>36359
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just finished cummineg hand free and I'm so dizzy I think I just gave myselfr a heart attakc
Sometimes when I do breath play it makes my heart skip beats when cumming.
Replies: >>36326
that can't be healthy
Replies: >>36354
How can it be bad if it feels so good?

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the terf site
do you think munch posts there
why are they so whinny holy fuck, also I could bet 70% of posters are male
>the terf site
why is the admin of this site such a jealous virgin incel?

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where is mattress
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Andale andale
Arrriba arrrrriba 
*flails and shakes maracas*
I need a new mattress
Replies: >>36245
This poster wet the bed.
Replies: >>36247
I cummed my bed.
Replies: >>36278
This poster had sexual relations with a box-spring mattress.

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happy kot

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I'm gonna live my life a d m you're gonna stay here like a fucking street dog I'm free but you're going to cower in your hole until you die you stupid fucking pig
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I did dxm when I posted this thread and almost forgot
Replies: >>36231 >>36232
What's it like?
Does it make faps or sex better or how do you enjoy dxm?
Replies: >>36236
do you remember what you were thinking about at the time?
Replies: >>36237
depends on the dose but it makes you feel dizzy and messes up with your vision, it kinds of just disables you and leaves you lying on your back for a while having weird thoughts
yes, I had forgotten that I was on dxm when I posted it

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HOW do two girls have sex???
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
Replies: >>36234
>>36227 (OP) 
They just ram their two pussies together and pretend they feel something without actual penetration

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New fetish unlocked: double sided chastity.
get along cage
testicle tug of war lmao
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
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hu hu hee hee ha ha ha aha ha
its like a chinese finger trap for ur bepis

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im a dream
Replies: >>36209
>>36119 (OP) 
yeah, a nightmare
Replies: >>36214
He's that dream where you dream you're pissing at a urinal but you wake up and you've pissed the bed.
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