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the only elf i like
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This elf was pretty commendable but they did a collab with dogshit garbage
still probably best elf imo
me looking at (you)
really want that shitty fucking anime to end so people can stop posting it
Frieren my beloved
Replies: >>20138

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yeserday i had a nervous breakdown and sat there shaking and crying for 3 hours.
On top of that, since my flat was broken into, I've been having paranoia and persecution anxiety again.
I think it's time to go back to the mental hospital.
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Replies: >>13143
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glowposting again 
boobytrap your house with pepper sprays (only to trigger them yourself later) 
it may make you feel safer 
dunno why would you buy one if you can make it yourself easily 
the "solder suckers" or desoldering pumps have the perfect spring for the job inside 
but of course you can just buy one directly that's probably cheaper too 
you can also stack smaller springs together or use fucking rubber bands possibilities are endless 
the design is intuitive and primitive 
i heard that schizophrenics have a better ability to imagine things in their had 
maybe if you can mismatch windmills with dragons you can come up with a better design
Replies: >>13133
at the beginning everything was still good but my subconscious has apparently caught up with me, it is always a back and forth between madness and spiritual serenity.
doc said its is okey i dont need the mental hospital
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>>13126 (OP) 
Why would you have anxiety about percussion?
don't care

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Here is ur brand new boywife, courtesy of [s4s]!
thats a 3 year old model
that is a drawing

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i left a porn on my desktop and bf saw it how do i recover
why are you watching porn if you have a partner wth die
Replies: >>20119
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dont tell me to die wtf

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ahhh shit, here we go again 
lately i've been thinking more and more about how isolated and lonely i actually am and that this won't change in the near future and then the suicidal thoughts come up the depression is back...
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every girl in soulseek chatrooms
What does it feel like to insert your penis into another man's feces-filled intestines as opposed to a vagina is what you're asking basically.
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Damn I don't care dude take it here
It's a whole altchan full of people like you
Instead of blogging about your depression on a board titled 'anime pillow fight'
A poor innocent neet boy doesn't deserve to be subjected to this depressive alcoholic whiny self absorbed fuck
Replies: >>20113
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im pretty sure /s4s/ is for everyone, including depressed alcoholics
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>depression blogging
<mattress posts

Spoiler File
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Why does Magick do this?
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wan wan

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anine skovmoj (male) x3
imagining huge cocks underneath the skirts
gay sek!?!?!?!?
Replies: >>20089
Replies: >>20092
not this again

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dog caught reproducing in the wild

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*unboys ur asstolfo*
its over [s4s] sisters
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but futas are based!!!!!!!!!
said nothing abou keeping the dick
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you have two choices
force magick into a cute dress and rape her into your little slut
watch zoo child pron for 2 weeks straight with sleep breaks to rub your pathetic clitty
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Replies: >>20022
>>19999 (OP) 
I love Magick, he's my little slut.
Replies: >>20023
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thats been settled the other one has to do the zoo child pron challenge
where does mattress fall into this paradigm
Replies: >>20036
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img and permanent failure of option 1 related
We have so much in common

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