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Dogcock is fast arriving
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it was mediocre at best
dog cock
theoretical dog cock from a practical dog cock provider
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Practical dog cock from the same provider was really good btw
Magick dogfart subscription

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It's here
I hadn't been able to read the B-plot or some of the dialog but man, it lived up to expectations
Best futaxmale doujin of all time? Best doujin all genres of this decade to date?

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cute ita bags are peak pink [s4s] tbh
All the badges and stickers I've gotten from merchants are for albums or sex toys lol
I can imagine this sort of thing is a lot easier if you're collecting idol goods or buy anime rather than manga.
Replies: >>31353
you can put plushes and acrylic keychains in them too, it's easier if your favorite character gets lots of merch but that doesn't stop ppl from getting dozens of the same can badge.

I think it's a bad look though, the usual way you get that many of the same badge in japan is if you spend hundreds rerolling on gachapon machines.
Replies: >>31355
Oh I see it now it has a clear plastic sleeve over the front. That's kinda cringe.
Just get a bag where the outer surface isn't integral to it's e.g. watertightness and pin things to it with normal pins. Our gyaru/lolita ancestors had this shit figured out last century.

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Is there anything cuter than boys with burnt out dopamine receptors seeking out more and more decadent forms of self-pleasure to bully their hypothalamus into making more and more of the good stuff?
12 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
stop doing that!!
Replies: >>31317
did you read it?
Replies: >>31319
uhhhh yes??

I'm >>31246
How are you so mindbroken by the concept of posts longer than two sentences?
Replies: >>31343
did you read this?

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gives U this look

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soft stupid psuedo-intellectual boys
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Can you still bring yourself to love me even though there's hardly a soft spot left on my body?
Replies: >>31336
This poster has a rough, calloused boyhole
Replies: >>31338
Strictly speaking I don't know what the texture of my insides is like cos I've never felt it without both lubricant and mucosa, but as far as I can tell from how it feels with those present and comparing to e.g. a dried out part of the inside of your mouth my ass is pretty damn firm. I mean it's insistently flanked by muscle, which is the entire reason we have concepts like loosening your ass or only being able to get so much in in the first place.

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Do you prefer colby cheese or cheddar?
Never had colby

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Why do boys do this?
11 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
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It'd be kinda cute if you (the character) thought every post you've replied to with
>did anyone read this?
was by the same person but you've played your hand too hard and made it clear that you're actually reading the threads lole
The uncomfortable middlegroundness makes it look like you're actually trying your hardest and it's just limited in scope because it's actually the best you can do. You should go back to being terse and earnest cos it kinda keeps the mystery that might actually bait someone into being invested.
Also it answered the question
>Are you replying to yourself?
Which kinda defeats the purpose of writing >>31309 in the first place. It's not much of a false flag if you go back and sign your name on it.
Replies: >>31321 >>31325
uhhhh HHH 

the "did anyone read this poster" is you and not me
Replies: >>31323
The "did anyone read this poster" is the author of less than half and probably none of the posts/threads you've posted it under.
What's up with your filenames?
did anyone read this poster
Replies: >>31326
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Did anyone read this poster?

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the reality of inviting an esforce boy to your house
Replies: >>31314
>>31170 (OP) 
wait who's doing the inviting and who got invited

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wow anon you are so cool *pukes on you*
post your tummy wish

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