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assisted gunshot suicide
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I don't think this was the right image lole
both ukraine and western russia are particularly known for being flat not mountainous
i guarantee you this squishy would be first down on his knees begging for mercy in a war
Replies: >>30798
nice word-salad gibberish 
you might be right about russian sensibilities about death, or rather murder, being different, especially given that a portion of russia's manpower is sourced from literal violent convicts
Replies: >>30798
(un)cute projection copefiend
Not sure what part of having the basic decency to put someone out of their misery triggers you so much though
lmao even

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Only the Quacker, master of all four quacks, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A dozen seconds passed and my brother and I discovered the new Quacker, a quacking cutie named Ducky, and although his quacking skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.
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Looking for new girlfriens to join our anti cis chat fyi we use xmpp
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i scrolled a bit and it seems like the chatroom has been created today, or maybe that's just how far the logs go back on this 

anyway i was curious at what kind of people use xmpp but it kinda feels the same as one of those discord servers that get linked on /s4s/ that i try joining because i'm lonely but which i leave after 5 minutes because i feel completely out of place, just slower

this concludes my review
Replies: >>30706 >>30722
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you're so real for this 
the xmpp server this chat is on stores messages for 3 days
thats because this is full of discord users
Replies: >>30759
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not sure ab that
Replies: >>30760
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literally you

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jiruposter is a gay person, sodomy, dont touch him or god will smite you,
Replies: >>30757
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>>30756 (OP) 

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only wish
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you bumped it with salacious posts too
even if you are being completelyironic, don't you think that's kinda fucked
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nuh uh i think its funny,, um,, its bad but its also funny
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i think stuff is bad when it makes ppl sad or feel genuinely creeped out
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but then again i like seeing ppl happy nd thtas why i have good energy most of the time,,
It really annoys me how these third worlders keep spamming this good site with illegal shit.

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who is imageminer
Replies: >>30708
>>30705 (OP) 
literally me
Replies: >>30726
i keep trolling myself with old black cock
Replies: >>30726
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why did u add and why did u request bbc picyures

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I'm daddy's brainless slut! my life has no meaning besides being a sex toy!!
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Replies: >>30725 + 2 earlier
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what could this mean
Replies: >>27702 >>27705
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>>27701it means ull be able to know when im sad or happy and also its good
Replies: >>27705
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Replies: >>27705
get a room or somethign da 2 of u... (wholesome doh)
>>27612 (OP) 

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stealing the hoodie boy's (she goes SHA!) smelly hoodie and full face inhaling the boysmell every day for a week and I wanna tell everyone!
Replies: >>30716
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>>30714 (OP) 

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denpa otoko site

tl note: "denpa" means mentally ill
Replies: >>30513
>>30497 (OP) 
Mika ur not mentally ill
Denpa has really skewed toward the 4chan definition of schizo in the last few years, even that denpa rhythm game coming out seems to center around getting high off denpa music (and drugs) and spamming schizo shit on imageboards as an actual plot device.
Replies: >>30707 >>30713
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>last few years
Denpa was well and truly established in popular culture (in japan) like a decade before 2ch even existed.
>the 4chan definition of schizo in the last few years
The (resurgent) popularization of schizo is a recent thing so this statement just reads as odd on the face of it. Given that schizo is being used basically to mean denpa/denpa-kei (as adjective|adverb/noun) and anonymous imageboards have had a literal schizophrenic subculture since at least 07 in the west and the trappings of that culture were based on denpa all along anyway I don't understand what you find surprising or recent about any of this.
Replies: >>30712
you come off like a pseud when you reply to the last 3 out of 3 posts I made in the same exact way, nobody asked
pretty sure denpa always had schizophrenic connotations, i mean the term became a thing because a serial killer justified his murders by saying he was told to do so via electromagnetic waves

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my id card is expiring soon and in order to get a new one i had to have my photo taken and when you do that the photographer throws in a freebie where they take a normal photo and ask you to smile, when i got the photo i cringed at how bad i am at smiling on command
Replies: >>30603
i asked
now that you mentioned this I now keep seeing it e everywhere, you can even look at trans youtubers who show their face, their eyes stare intensely at the camera even though they're smiling, it's kinda off putting
Replies: >>30656
if only you knew how bad things really are
damn had a thick saliva strand that like got attached to my finger that was weird af

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