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Just snorted hot water (coffee), AMA
Replies: >>31841
>>31840 (OP) 
hi nepo
Replies: >>31846
What makes a nigger say hello?

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How does pepper sauce (e.g. tabasco sauce) manage to be nauseatingly sweet and taste worse than grains of white sugar or raw honey when it's <2% sugars?
Is there something I'm not understanding about the product? I've definitely had sugary things with salt and vinegar in the past and they haven't been nearly as nauseating.
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>why u want this
Cus they're easy to find and I have yet to find a good source for crushed red chili sauce that isn't too sweet.
Replies: >>31455
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Ah fair I haven't either
I'll have to look into them, seems like most chili-paste like things are european made indonesian style products (lol?)
Replies: >>31839
It was bad
I don't really understand why they can't just sell the fucking oil and let you make your own
if you are talking about classic red tabasco, there must be something wrong with your taste receptors. thats stuff isnt sweet, but its spicy(hot), salty and sour, a combination id describe as "vibrant", its different from just heat
Replies: >>31844
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Yeah one of the things I was trying in OP was mcillhenney tabasco
No way it's not sweet, you're crazy
The sambol was the same thing (but worse since it wasn't sour to balance and the pepper was even weaker despite being more concentrated, so it was sweet and not-hot and sweet and sweet)

It's not impossible that I'm just misidentifying a lack of oiliness as basically sweetness or something like that but that doesn't seem right. Like, if I put tabasco on my tongue it makes me salivate just like licking an appeel (or imagine doing so) does.

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new meme: the prostate

Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
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The prostate girl
Replies: >>31649
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the prostate girl
Replies: >>31651
Cartoon hearts look more like a prostate than they do any other organ I can think of in the human body
Like a prostate being pressed from behind and with a shock line especially too
Why does this girl have a prostate?

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It's really surreal to see normies twitter resharing the "trap mode aesthetics" guide I wrote mostly as a joke years and years back and taking it seriously and it being the thing that probably took them down the femboy rabbit hole.
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This is some of the worst broscience I've seen yet
Ok I see. Thank you again for your scientific support for the femboy community~
>Drink water from BPA plastic containers
this was always so retarded
I honestly doubt estrogen in general is healthy and will probably lead to looking less attractive and aging worse.
the whole females have more estrogen so guys getting more estrogen = they will look prettier assumption is pretty dumb
Replies: >>31834
this is literally how hrt works tho, though the current meta is to take so much estrogen that the body stops making any testosterone and you no longer need t blockers.
Replies: >>31835
>this is literally how hrt works tho
And all the people on hrt look fucking awful, what's your point?
NTA btw since you're probably so retarded you need it stated explicitly

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Animal cross-dressing!

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It ain’t gonna suck itself
this isn't my order
Replies: >>15159
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the garbage bag condom

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I read this doujin, as a joke
Replies: >>14301
how come you're posting here
Replies: >>14302

I knew about this place for a while already I was just posting anonymously
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fuck off

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do you want to take drugs with me?
no germans are dreadfully dull people

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waiting to die

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