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It’s a made up place in op’s imagination brought on by hallucinogenic substances

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such is the life of the linux user, when you finish ricing your computer you start biohacking ur gender and ordering weird pills off the internet and eventually ur butthole twitches when guys touch u because u gooned too much on prog
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u should
Replies: >>32957
not really i dont want to because im comfortable how i am
Replies: >>32959
ive never understood the shark thing

you get a shark after going postop but what does the shark even mean
you could be even me more comfy if you gooned to big cocks while on prog
ganoo plus eunuchs

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people with chemical fasiantion are utterly fascinated with chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possibly drug binges. They will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.
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oh my god this is so true
maybe we could kiss and make out
I mean, to enjoy the quiet
yes you will like it
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Welcome I am the darkness and the light. The ash and the fruit, and there is a path to a good feeling that lasts I know. It's nothing really but you'd better stop doing what you already hate. Love is not what you thought. Didn't you find out already?

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Replies: >>32872
do you have any idea at all

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This guide will teach you ``cutepost'' technique.

`Cutepost is a close relative of sh*tpost. As such, they are often mistaken. If you understand sh*tpost, then `cutepost will be mastered shortly.

``Cutepost'' appear in two forms.

First, long form of ``cutepost''.
Long form consist of omission of punctuation to create image of childish excitement.
Allowed to use multiple exclamation or question marks at the post end to enhance effect.

Second, short form.
Replacement of punctuation with line break.
You may end each line with exclamation/question mark if you please.

Both forms utilize intentional misspelling.
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alcohol didnt make me happy ngl
Replies: >>32847
uhhh why not
dont know i even got drunk until i couldnt feel anymore
having to drink so much abject crap to get there with little to no gain reminds me of sex and other drugs
Replies: >>32851
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Replies: >>32870
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Bro's turk????

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What's the point of onimai other than to point out your life is over if you're a hikkineet m*le and the only way to redeem yourself is to restart ur life as a girl who pisses herself every few chapters?
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Replies: >>32853
that's what I said though in less words
Replies: >>32857
>>32849 (OP) 
literally me
i see the thread more like hot topic bait than a rhetorical question
its more both to me now lets see what the curse says
Your Fortune: (Rock) Hard Times Ahead
Replies: >>32858
i dont want aids do that again
Your Fortune: Extremely Bad Luck Holy Hell What Are You Doing
being a girl and pissing yourself is an important part of every m*le's life

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dude, tjis
tomodachi lfie..............,,.,.,.,
stick your 3ds up your ass wish
wish has never done butt stuff
Replies: >>32855
wish's leaky butt

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Why do dumb esfors boys think starving themselves and being hungry is gonna turn them into anime gorl?
Skinny anorexic girlers are functionally boys.
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what did he mean by this?
Replies: >>31196
OP literally calls not-being-unattractive a boyish trait and strongly implies that it's a feature not associated with anemone grills
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skinny boys are functionally girls so it cancels out
Replies: >>31203
huge manfeet
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u cant delete ur third dimension but you can minimize jt

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