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I would never let my daughter wear a skirt without spandex shorts underneath
Replies: >>31921
women doing literally anything skillful in high heels is my fetish
>>31919 (OP) 
Those are incontinence pants
Replies: >>31923

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I'm living with the mushrooms
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Please stope posting exifs
It's bury r00d
Your Fortune: Expect Ill Tidings

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miss my bf...
Replies: >>31911
>>31910 (OP) 
where is he?
Replies: >>31913
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i don't know...
Replies: >>31915

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I know what music of the future will sound like.
Vaporwave will see a literal mainstream revival and you'll start getting 80s mashups with kpop singles from this decade and people will dance to those unironically, copyright law will be abolished, music will never be good ever again and people born 60 years from now will still miss the 80s, it's pretty wild
I can see it
>copyright law will be abolished
This would literally be the best single thing that has happened in 200+ years but I don't see how it could happen unless you're proposing the end of cronyism

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Replies: >>19477 + 1 earlier
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>>17443 (OP) 
also why I'm here
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how did I miss this thread

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It's penis inspection day! 

Your Fortune: Take Extra Precautions

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i didn't say it i never say it i'm cursed to a lifetime of misery and unluckiness
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There's nothing stopping you from saying it late.
If you're a hikki and you haven't said anything else to anyone else it still counts.
If you 'have' you can just say you haven't. There's nothing stopping you. You can just lie. It still counts.

Also there's a line of argument that it still counts if you haven't gone outside  or outside at night yet if you think of it as related to the new appearance of each moon.
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Worship the Roman Goddess Fortuna or "lady luck" as she's referred to nowadays. 
She won't give you good luck every time but she can push the odds in your favour. 
She works through quantum uncertainty on a macro scale; the more variables you leave unknown the greater influence she has. 
For an offering you can leave some money in a random place so Fortuna can decide which stranger finds the money.

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Wish hiding the cat she slammed against the wall earlier after trashing her boyfriends apartment!
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the mind altering hormones got wish speaking in tongues
Replies: >>28365
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What mind altering hormones?
Replies: >>28374
it depends, which hormones are the ones that make you incredibly sexually needy
Replies: >>28427
wish hormones
Bumping to remind newfigs what a quality thread looks like!

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how many of you have never had sex?
me i never had sex ever
you know how some girls are just really dull to talk to?
That's what I imagine doomer femboyjak is like

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I said that, stop repeating it

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