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Pan fried beef oyster blade and new york strip well done, served in fresh squeezed lime
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Beef sandwich steak with eggs reduced in butter and hot sauce, accompanied by arabic black milk tea with cinnamon
Replies: >>30001
Quads of gluttony
Replies: >>30003
I feel as though it was a fairly temperate quantity
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Oyster blade beef steak pan fried without oil, hotsauce and ground ginger burnt onto the surface in pan
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Roast pork shoulder with a light salt/ginger/chili rub, cut into platters and smeared with hot sauce like a scone

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should I take 750mg of dxm tonight
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the gameover screen that ur sulking on has a continue option u know?
Alright then, I guess you won't see me again after the beep
Replies: >>31115
See you tomorrow retard

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U all will die in 4 days
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Replies: >>31120
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Replies: >>31035
Why are you saving pictures of ugly men?
Replies: >>31061
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>>31020 (OP) 
oh, okay
see you in lfe then

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i see now
i know your secret now
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4chan has been shilling fin and min to prevent male pattern baldness for a while now, how long before those same peter pan syndrome guys start shilling low dose estrogen for clearer, more squishy skin?
It's not even a stretch, I already seen those same guys claim to do all 3.
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blah blah blah do you ever shut up? fucking boring ass shit UGHHHHH
Supposedly male skin is 25% thicker, tougher because of the increased collagen linkages which prevent men from looking like spoiled milk at 35, but you also have increased sebum production which makes your facial skin more oily and gross, at least, I notice this if I fap multiple times in one day.
Replies: >>26838 >>31116
supposedly ur a dumass
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>collagen crosslinks
Ah yeah having had this explained it's pretty easy to understand.
Seems like it's mediated by the same stuff that gives guys high density skeletons so there's no way around it unless you want vegan bones. Explains why the horse girl(s) I used to know had skin like a teenage boi

Anyone know a good way to reheat the crust on roast pork? I feel like if I put it in my pan it'll stick to it like nobody's business but it doesn't seem to really react to the microwave (I guess it's dehydrated already?).
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Musky masculine boarpiss smell

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Exciting on signal 2

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Rub warming liniment on your nipples

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my cock is all bruised
chastity cages bad
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I'm kind of dunk I don't want to do anything now
Replies: >>31055 >>31056
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Women say this.
Try to keep up

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Bill Nye shill thread.

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why worry over anything...
i think it's best when my mind is clear and not stressed out, but that seems so rare nowadays. i think i wanted this life only to cope with how bad everything was around me, but now things just keep getting worse and worse, and all that can seemingly be done, is knee jerk reactions, like i'm just supposed to be an ape panicking, using a single brain cell to survive. i'm really tired of it, and i just want to live life on my own terms now. 

maybe even this decision is just a knee jerk reaction, and it's not going to become a sustainable solution because stress is apart of the human condition, but i also think about how overwhelming and consuming this stress is, a rotten poison decaying my rational mind, how i haven't had my mind to myself in a long time, how i just feel so far gone and dissociated completely from my core being. i don't have a real answer for myself because i can't even think for myself anymore. i don't even know what i want out of my life anymore, i've just had to stop all critical thinking to prevent myself from being able to really perceive how bad it all is. it's like i'm trying to force myself to not think and turn myself into an ape, and avoid the fact that all of this is intentional because of the traumatically stressful circumstances i find myself in, and not wanting to be able to fully process the severity and devastation of it.

maybe i'm not really looking for a solution, but a way to grow above this and to worry abou
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You haven't said what you're worrying about so it's impossible to meaningfully address most of what you've said. Maybe your concerns are legitimate. Maybe they're out of scope. How could I say?
>maybe i'm not really looking for a solution, but a way to grow above this and to worry about more important things that matter to me
This is probably the case, though. Without knowing how your worries actually relate to you I can't comment, but a great many things can be taken in stride as just part of the remote chances of uncontrollable death. You are most likely worrying about things that you aren't working to change, and in that case the misplaced effort is in the worrying since there are things you can be making inroads on.

While I do think that 'worrying' about things isn't necessarily a problem, but not having a lackadaisical attitude towards them may be. Part of working within your own limitations is considering what to do when you fail, and part of it is still making an earnest attempt at things whose failure you can't comprehend.
>Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige’s wall there was this one: «Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.» Master Ittei commented, «Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.» Among one’s affairs there should not be more than two or three matters of what one could call great concern. If these are deliberated upon during ordinary times, they can be understood. Thinking a
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Replies: >>31029 >>31030
i agree
wait i forgot can you remind me?

i disagree
Replies: >>31031
Spoiler File
(269KB, 1654x1357)
>wait i forgot can you rem-
*unloads a weeks worth of boimilk in mouth midsentence*
Replies: >>31037
so anyways what were you talking about

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