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15 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>40513
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yes but first i need to buy someone the christumas present i promised him but then emntal hospital got between that and now im a bit broke until next month lole
i spend all my money on therapy <--- (broke and not getting any better)
Replies: >>40515
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im gonna sell uhh these
and then it will le be okay c:
>changing your whole wardrobe is expensive and so is skincare and makeup

Skin care: Use lotion and learn to exfoliate

Wardrobe: Just have one or two sets of crossdressing outfits to start off with. Thrift shops have cheap women's clothes.

Makeup: Just eyeliner and nail polish will get you by. Fake eyelashes help too.

Buying all this stuff should cost around $30 to $40 dollars.

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anyone want to buy one?

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how do I overcome my social anxiety without benzos + liquor
Replies: >>40488
>>40474 (OP) 
Just talk to people. Maybe buy girls a cup of coffee or give guys handjobs.

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me and tensgi
32 replies and 13 files omitted. View the full thread
woa really? it would be soooo easy to take advantage of you right now huh?
Replies: >>40470
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that's sooo bad news oh no
Replies: >>40471
post shoulder blades
Replies: >>40472
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maybe later
Replies: >>40478
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The importance of Patala to esoteric Buddhism lay in its role as the source of alchemy and magical science or vidyā, immortality and enjoyment, particularly the opportunity for the (male) vidyādhara to have intercourse with female non-humans.
Replies: >>40475
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>>40439 (OP) 
what Persona is that

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Would you have sex with a copy of yourself?
Replies: >>40441
you're a loser if you wouldn't give it at least one try
Not only would I sex myself, I'd wear matching cute outfits with my twin me and get into threesomes with random guys off grindr.
I think the realist form of sex is when both people involved are genuine, intimate and vulnerable with each other. I've seen virgins feel empty after having sex with prostitutes because the sex felt soulless and artificial. I'd imagine the same emptiness from fucking my clone. Without that feeling of exposed vulnerability there's no real feeling of intimacy.
>>40430 (OP) 
Hell yeah!
I'd flip a coin to see who has to wax their body and put on the wig as the bottom.

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stupid board

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Don't you love it when you get a reply? It's the warmest, sweetest, happiest, most blissful feeling in the world.
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>40385 + 1 earlier
a reply from you doesn't count
Replies: >>40388
>>40381 (OP) 
hiii!!! here have a reply just to make u feel better <3
Replies: >>40389
do you want a handjob
Replies: >>40390
what kind of trick question is this

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Why aren't you giving more handjobs? It only takes a few minutes and you can just wash your hands afterwards. Places that hand out free condoms also give away free small lube packets that fit in your wallet. You can give anyone a handjob in their car or public bathroom. Just don't aim the dick at yourself as they're about to cum. I think it's fun, there's zero risk of std and no prep is needed like with sex. Go give a few handjobs to friends and strangers. Even if the guy is mid or ugly a handjob isn't as intimate as sex and just feels like you're doing him a favor. I've changed people's lives just by giving them pity handjobs.
3 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>40387
where could i find someone to give me a handjob
Replies: >>40376
Learn to flirt and hang around coffee shops
Replies: >>40377
any ways that don't involve leaving the house
Replies: >>40378
Download Grindr and get fucked by Big Bubba
>>40368 (OP) 
I wish it only took a few minutes, my bf is so desensitized from being a degen coomer I can't get him to at all

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Replies: >>40379
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>>40354 (OP) 
based af

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