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some of you
Replies: >>23097
>>23095 (OP) 
imagine the smell

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so u want something sweet
Yes ~
Replies: >>23082
I don't mind emilia's bratty behavior but why can't these other grown adults behave normal and treat her as she wants to be treated

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he's so fucking real for that
Replies: >>23075
>>23021 (OP) 

i listen to country music when i have breakdowns but if i tried to play read dead i would have a seizure i think
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this is the last thing i listened ot inm school before randomly abandoning my classes for 2 months

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wish did  the same thing to his cat for no reason at all
Replies: >>23074
god they're both so cute
this manga was really hard on the nutbladder
>>23072 (OP) 

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rabbit rabbi rabbit

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wing's vacuum parts

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best bort since trash gets cleaned off this shithole
I forgot about this lol
lol the cum tributes

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everybody know
that i might lose control
i dont have a soul
but i told her please dont go
Replies: >>23045
being afraid never helps anything
what are you afraid of
the answer: im not alive
>>23040 (OP) 

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just read the shoki, the real one, the good translation of the actual original (insofar as any of these texts have a good actual original)
some comments

the lack of an actual (world) creation myth is hella cool. You really get the sense that it's a local history and that the separation of heaven and earth was something happening in the background because of whatever celestial politics above the characters heads. Like, there's reference to a celestial hierachy that the founding characters are already several generations down on but everything that actually happens clearly concerns japan. The ongoing separation of heaven and earth is happening in real time and the distance is made reference to, but the actual cause of the seperation is never mentioned at all.

oni are actually female
the shikome (aka hisame) are in the original and in the alt. ver. they're the eight thunders (i.e. the oni) and it's clear that they're the same characters (the etymology of hisame is even similar, being ~storm)
particularly with the shikome/hisame clearly being identified as the primitive boogeymen in the same sense as the 'cover your navel when there's thunder' sense of oni as boogeymen, they're clearly the same thing (and very explictly female)

I'm amazed at the degree to which amaterasu is actually the authority and active ruler of the local heavenly realm (i.e. absolutely). Considering that all the pre-japanese-literature historical documents from the mainland talk about the ruler of the unified island as an empress it really seems like himiko etc. probably were real or at least considered to be real by all the chinese and later japanese (which is the same as being real).
Given the chinese history of sort of offshoot female rulers in the local environs (pirate queens etc.), this isn't really that surprising. It's still pretty interesting, especially since it's clear that it's a theocratic monarchy.

Izanami likewise doesn't flinch a fucking step. Izanagi literally shits himself and runs away and she equitably accepts the divorce, there's never an actual contention where they compete (in the line where he seals the entrance to stymie the shikome/oni, izanami has already been to where he is and left a message with the guard). Everyone else dies when they die and izanagi retires to be a minor shrine diety in his daughter's court but izanami continues to be on the offensive in their relationship and doesn't seem to give a fuck about having died at all. It's actually kind of shocking that characters who die are actually dead in an ancient mythology but she's the only exception.

Yomi is consistently characterized as a series of winding roads. Other than associations with a low place and distance from heaven, there's little to suggest that it's the underground/hell/gehenna-like place it's usually depicted as in modern fantasy or from the indians (or their descendants). If I was to be generous and assume that it is a cavern, the idea of a huge number of long and winding roads (and entrances clearly on the surface) suggest that it's more like a mass of long and winding "roads" as in tunnels in a cave system.
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is for pussies
menopause acting russies
am i cozy in this tree house
fuck that
holy dildo suck it flor clout

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