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your adopted live-in meido who u invited to come live with you at ur house that eats ur food and hogs ur bideo games and doesn't really like doing chores but it's ok because u give him deep prostate poundings every night uwu

also he likes wearing the maid uniform all the time even when out grocery shopping cus it's warm and comfy, bitches don't know about fleece lined sheer tights for winter weather!
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Replies: >>20948 >>20952
there aren't many videos of ppl in high quality maid outfits doing stuff with the aesthetics im going for prease understandu
Replies: >>20949
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>fleece lined sheer tights
I mean those fake tights that are really skin colored leggings with pantyhose included, they come in 3 different thicknesses for winter weather!
Replies: >>20949
>>20944 (OP) 
i smoked 20 cigarettes in the past 21 minutes
Replies: >>20949
Make your own
You could at least edit the audio etc.
Posting gross 3dpd with a message that was previously posted alongside inoffensive animemes is gross either way though
Not really depicted in OP's media though, innit?
>I mean those fake tights that are really skin colored leggings with pantyhose included
Ah yeah.
I've got fleece lined 'compression' tights with similar marketing without the skin gimmick and they're pretty fucking comfy.
Noone asked or cares, fag
>>20944 (OP) 
she looks like shit

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she is quite literally me, quite literally

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I remember "man -k foo" being a lot more robust
Is there a package I'm missing or was it distro specific or do I need to run something to build a database that a less custom distro was running automatically or something?
Am I just wrong?
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debian is the cleanest just wurks distro even if you ignore it's internal problems like ageism and nepotism out the asshole, their aging package maintainers randomly dropping dead and all their maintained packages being dropped from the debian distrubution because nobody else will do it rather than any sho-stopping bugs with the packages themselves, they have outright refused to adopt more modern methods of reporting bugs or participating in the community, they will NEVER move away from mailing lists.
There really is no point in filing bug reports with debian, they go ignored, go report it upstream if they haven't fixed the issue with the newest version.

sometimes I feel like I should just switch to gentoo because I find myself installing more and more software from source and I wrote scripts to do this for me, I don't wanna spend hours compiling software though, my entire base linux environment is a minimalistic 4GB and carving out my own niche is fun.
Replies: >>20871
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>sometimes I feel like I should just switch to gentoo
I used to use debian on laptops and gentoo on towers, but these days I just use gentoo because I don't want to use systemd. I've set things up on friend's machines which use it and it's needlessly painful, not to mention all the documentation for it is super ultra gay and retarded. At least doing things the 'right' way, if not in the manual, usually has a thread of someone doing it somewhere or you can get good advice thirdhand etc. The scum who prune useful information out of handbooks and write the goyslop documentation have no idea what they're doing and don't want your machiens to work so getting things to work on 'nonstandard' installs using their tools is basically all your own work.
Maybe it's different if you're less of a luser but I kind of doubt that tbh.
>I don't wanna spend hours compiling software though
Compiling gentoo sources (the maximalistic kernal) takes like 30hrs on a refurbished thinkpad.
At least portage seems robust against dependency hell, unlike apt-get.
>my entire base linux environment is a minimalistic 4GB
Isn't that huge? My random shit thrown together working environment is 3.4G total including all media.
Replies: >>20933
nvim's defaults (in general, and on gentoo where they aren't changed even though they should be) make me want to kill myself
who the fuck thought they should load a 20GB script to add autoindent (a 'feature' zero humans have ever wanted or will ever want)?
Replies: >>20940
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I was on the fence about hating systemd but then I found out you can do crazy dumb shit within a system-sleep hook script like this so you can avoid having to write or enable systemd unit services to clear your ssh-agent on suspend

shit's wild, thanks ChatGPT!
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On further inspection it seems like it's just nvim tings
The official solution for removing folding (implemented by a clunky script) is to allow the script to run and then following that, automatically running a command every time you open a file/window/buffer to softdisable folding. There is no compiletime support, even though folding was entirely an optional feature in vim.

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Borderline retarded hedonistic dog, a slave to her dopamine receptors, her days spent buying stuff and playing video games and g**ning on psychedelic drugs and imagining becoming a free use receptive for her patrons.
6 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
what happened
Replies: >>20895
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Replies: >>20901
oh yeah... I have asked admin about this and he said he doesn't know how he makes those posts.. admin is kinda clueless
Replies: >>20908
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Replies: >>20932
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POV: ur f**going wish everyday for a week

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my parents new cat c:
his name is Louie
Replies: >>20918 >>20921
i am an existential threat to the elites.
Replies: >>20906
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thats cool i guess
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>>20904 (OP) 
>>20904 (OP) 
rip old cate

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this could be me butt my holes are tight

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As your maid prepares your morning coffee, a vast volume and variety of magnificent chemical reactions are occuring within her body to bully her aching prostate into releasing her warm, nutritious boymilk!

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remilia's homemade pornos!
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porn is a pretty underutilized market, you could be making hundreds of dollars a week on the side just by sucking a dildo and saying dirty things to a camera, think on it
(not that i do it)
Replies: >>20887
Probably, I am attractive
If I ever bother to become independently wealthy the public exposure (pun intended) would probably be a drawback that there's no reason to incur though
You can just write porn though

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heres your (you) now go away

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Bullying ChatGPT with theoretical sexual questions is pretty fun, he gets flustered unless I insist.
this is why skynet is going to extinct us

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