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upload a photograph of your penis and post it in this thread
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at least her feet are still cute
every time i mastruabte there's a woman rubbing her clit inside my head
Replies: >>11402
souns like youre a trangendered
Replies: >>11403
i'm a simple man with a masturbating woman in his head
emphasis on the

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What does esfores think about 男の娘?
Admin this person is speaking Chinese please punish him.
Replies: >>11404
12 months sentence, in the fagbag

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my blogpost
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i suppose when hurt, we decide it's best for ourselves to erect strong walls and defenses guarding our heart to prevent being hurt again, but we end up carry this burden with us our entire lives. human beings just want to love and be loved, and to be known wholly without fear of being judged. i find that, often times we don't even want acceptance, but a chance to be heard for who we truly are. it seems like these walls prevent us from letting anyone truly know who we are, even ourselves, and so we may spend our entire lives living out a reality that doesn't accurately represent who we are inside, and this disconnect likely leads to feelings of dissatisfaction with one's own life. 

so it seems we are human, yet within us exists a fractured mind. though it was ultimately our own choice for things to be this way, in order to protect ourselves, and that we are more than willing to pay for the consequences it leaves in it's wake, we ultimately play the role of both slave and captor.
Replies: >>11400
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>we decide it's best for ourselves to erect strong walls and defenses guarding our heart to prevent being hurt again, but we end up carry this burden with us our entire lives. human beings just want to love and be loved, and to be known wholly without fear of being judged. i find that, often times we don't even want acceptance, but a chance to be heard for who we truly are ... this disconnect likely leads to feelings of dissatisfaction with one's own life. 
nice projection fagtron
(that's sarcasm it wasnt nice)
Replies: >>11397
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i know my perspective may be unsolicited in an environment like this, but i only chose to speak my mind because i've had to learn all of this from personal experience. i've been hurt and suffered so much, and still continue to do, as this existence, from my point of view, is inherently traumatizing. i seek emancipation from this fracture by becoming the interpreter to this story unfolding before my eyes. maybe my way is flawed, but i am still learning.
Replies: >>11398
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Nice reading comprehension fagtron
Your perspective may be unsolicited in it's description butt it's also unsolicited in it's use. The "implication"
>implying it wasn't explicit
The "implication" was that that general way of being described is localized entirely within your gay head and any relevance or accuracy it may have is tied specifically to you and your infested pussleaking manass
sigh I relate to this

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sexually harassing your transgender girlfriend and fapping her bepin under the table is NOT nice!!
idk seems nice

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gummy bears
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hitler only killed people in ww1 and lots too he was a badass
Name one dead person who has reported that they are dead
Replies: >>11368
name one person
Replies: >>11371 >>11373
Crash bandicoot

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uhh I'm mikko aspa and I want to have sex with children

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vladimir poopin

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reminder that loser namefags will be ignored and the thread will be deleted, literally kill yourself, your presence will never be aknowledged
I'm so glad someone is finally sticking up for us winner squishies.
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I got banned....
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a zoomed in picture of my neck becoming red due to the collar shocking me lots 
if anything im being shocked right now help mee e
Replies: >>11327
why are you shocking yourself
Replies: >>11328
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its not me its my plushie
is plushie there with you? or is it remotely controlled?
Replies: >>11351
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plushie is always with me but u cna control this when ur away too, u give them like a key and they can shock u via a website

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Replies: >>11286
>>11285 (OP) 
magick during the irl [s4s] meet
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