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What did she see?
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cute boys in this board
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Replies: >>7827
aren't you german
Replies: >>7828
i am but these are no lederhosen
Replies: >>7829
>is supposedly german
>doesn't wear lederhosen at all times
Replies: >>7834
Must be half french

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Has anybody ever tried to dock their Android Phone and use it like computer via USB to HDMI with a wireless [Bluetooth] keyboard and mouse setup? Does that work?
I hear most games don't work because no custom control settings with only on-screen or controller support.
But aside from that, does it work at all like I think it would?
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i see no reason why it wouldn't  
but if you just want to have android on pc you could also try installing android x86
Replies: >>7671
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Homo's don't know about phones? Also checked Satan get.

I'm more interested in using my phone as a PC on the go if i can. I'm out and about a lot but I'm afraid of something happening to my laptop. If i could just use a portable screen with my phone, I'd be a bit more at ease if something happened. I'm not a rich man, so that laptop needs to last.

I'm just gonna try it. Lol If it doesn't work, i could still use the screen and KBM.
Replies: >>7672
you might want to get a tablet with keyboard and i don't mean one of those dedicated tablet laptops but just a generic tablet + a bluetooth keyboard that has one of those built in stand things
unless you already have a portable monitor
Replies: >>7674
I don't have the monitor yet, but it looks like I can scoop one up for $160-ish, give or take.
Idk about the tablet. I think for a decent one, it would blow my budget and I might as well try docking a Steam Deck or something.
My phone is only like a generation old.
The setup will be max $200, most cost being the monitor.

But i really don't use tablets that much and i haven't looked at them in a while to compare to my phone. Is there some good, cheap ones i don't know about?
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I figured it out. All Samsung Galaxy's have a built in program called Samsung Dex. When you plug it into a USB to HDMI adapter it turn on and puts your phone in a desktop mode. Currently using my TV, wireless KBM and my phone. Pretty cool.

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Admin-kun I'm waiting for your cosplay compilation

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4 replies omitted. View the full thread
japanese can't get fat
there is a fat fee in japan
Replies: >>7811
Someone must rescue Hitomi J Cup from this injustice
Replies: >>7812
Hitomi is 36 year old
Replies: >>7816
I'm going to baste this cake with my icing sugar.
My super masculine vitality will rejuvenate her ovaries and eliminate downie DNA.

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number 10, burger king foot lettuce
number 14, taco bell piss nachos

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yes who is it
Replies: >>7783
>>7782 (OP) 
hello I'd like to report a gas leak
Replies: >>7784
sorry BRAAAAP i ate some BRAP beans last niBRREEAAAPPP

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Replies: >>7769
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y tho
Replies: >>7751
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too scared to hurt myself but i want it so i need somebody to do it for me
Replies: >>7752
why do you want to hurt yourself
>>7713 (OP) 
shiruka bakaudon<3
Replies: >>7771
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>it's a female artist

why are girls into this kind of stuff

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Gonna post my bi-monthly "i wish I was literally a girl" thread where I sulk and deal with being born male in unhealthy ways, thanks for reading my blog (male).
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Replies: >>7761
>>7759 (OP) 
I wanna be a girl too... I have a feminine body ang girls clothes, but its still not enough. The world needs a sex change option fast, like in vidya.

Small price for salvation
Replies: >>7763
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Imagine going on a date as a girl, even crossdressing boys will never get that...
Does "Vidya" mean "video games"?I am seeing people using it on /s4s/ a lot but never knew what it means,would you be so nice to explain to me
Replies: >>7764
[Hide] (375.3KB, 640x480, 00:03)
it does 
it's just a funny pronunciation of  "video"
girls have periods because they have a fertile womb that sheds every month, they can give birth and you cant

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