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fapped my bepni like 5 times in a row and now it hurts kinda also I ran out of semen and that one muscle that runs underneath the base of the bopper was already kinda stiff and spasmed during my last go, this latest go just made it stay up for a while even tho I was refractoring and really tender and stuff, gonna dump pics of kikuri having seggs now cus I'm still horny
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this is what you get for being a normal boy on the slut board: infinite sexual attention
how can you do it 5 times in a row. even when I was young and/or on a ton of drugs I could pretty much never do that. even 5 times in like a 16 hour span is basically impossible or at least undesirable for me
Replies: >>15722 >>15729
this is what the people of this site spend their time on this earth doing with their epic non-pathetic existences
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I did 5 faps over 2.5 hours, that's like 30 minutes between fap seshes, if you really can't get aroused and back in the mood in 30 minutes ur probably really low T and also deoressd
Replies: >>15761
>5 faps over 2.5 hours,
how much is that in bocches

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this is an abusive normalfag board
im the only good nice poster on it
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fap to chaotic, cum tribute it, post the cum tribute pics so i can fap to them
Replies: >>13820
lol faggot
Replies: >>15737
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Mom found and confiscated  my boymoder starter kit... going to cut open my wrists now...
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neppy mode kit
Replies: >>1091
The neppy expansion pack includes a detailed guide on how to feel sick and miserable on just 500cal a day without drinking snake juice or fasting for real like a real man
Replies: >>1093
what does neppy usually eat?
Replies: >>1094
there's 163 pages

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eat the rich
Replies: >>15732
>>15730 (OP) 
i remember during the blm protests back in 2020, i didn't even recognize it as the people vs the cops, but the people vs the rich. the cops were just there to act as a buffer between the haves and the have nots, and it hurt seeing the abandonment of humanity and shared cultural roots at the cost of comfort and convenience. enforcing a tough stance against civil disobedience doesn't look like comfort or convenience to me, though, but i guess it's just the cost of doing business. all those real human beings, on either side of the riot shield, caught up in a calculated risk, like disposable pawns in a game of chess. in zugzwang, the only winning move is to not play at all.

i do think that there is yet hope, that through the adoption of radical ideas, to be differentiated from extremist ideas, in the sense that they challenge the status quo, we can take back the power we hold as individuals, and set an example for others to live through. ideas are not centralized, so live your truth as an individual and eventually, others will catch on and start doing the same. through this, we will achieve peaceful revolution, and not the type of tantrum revolution that only serves to gratify our most base instincts. 

none of those rich dudes are living their truth, especially when they all have these tragic ass backstories of being nerds and otherwise societal rejects, or giving up on their true h
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what the hell are you smoking
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air i guess.
weed and unprocessed flue cured tobacco when i have it
Replies: >>15575
why did the tobacco have the flue
Replies: >>15576
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because it wanted to cure us from the sickness in our head. flue cured, squishy.
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>unprocessed flue cured tobacco
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cooking pencilnecked dicklet pussyfree NEET sluts4sale boys alive

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I find it very unsettling that feminine creampuffs live everyday lives as normal unassuming "men" and spend their weekends living a double life, dressing up like anime maids, doing housework and getting fugged in their cakeholes by strangers they met online.
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kigs are fine normally but the s*xual ones are fucked up
Replies: >>15654
>there are nonsexual kigus as in there are kigu cosplsyers that aren't sexually motivated

I want to fuck these things.
I have a high tolerance for atypicality but this stuff is way too fucking horrifying and grotesque for me sorry
Replies: >>15714
Yeah this is some buffalo bill shit

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Replies: >>7490
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when the
the uh

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here forever
Replies: >>15659
stab stab slash

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