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Replies: >>27887 >>27888
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>>27884 (OP) 
ngger you are all insane
Replies: >>27894
>>27884 (OP) 
thats not fun or hot thats actually kinda scary and evil. love & innocence always win!

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some of you
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that guy is evil for encouraging bad drug use
is dxm really that damaging?
it's so easy to get ahold of
Replies: >>27893
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my reaction to that info
drugs are good for you cause they make you feel better
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its damaging but i also took lsd earlier sith snri

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<I bought a starter dildo
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You need to constantly reapply most water lubes and squirt a whole bunch inside and just keep reapplying them, that's the way to avoid the kind of experiences you had in >>26471 and >>27728 but it means that you can go through like 250ml or more in a single session even without it being an especially long session or anything. But yeah, if you're in no rush you're in no rush. I wish you'd buy a better dildo though, but unfortunately I can't give specific recommendations since the stuff I started with is out of production and the stuff I buy nowadays is while not outrageous, certainly not beginner stuff.
They're a little better lubricant than ghetto moisturisers or soap or whatever but they don't really last much longer for much the same reasons.
>the slippery nature of oil makes it horrible to use in the shower so im not doing that again.
One advantage of the powder lubes is that since they are water soluable you can wash them off (tiled/porcelain) surfaces with a jet of water. I've almost killed myself stepping into the shower though. I've got round doorknobs so I have to leave the bathroom door open cos I've learned that it's fucking hard to open if you've get lube on it.
Replies: >>27867
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that's pretty wild that you can use 250ml of lube in a single session, my water based lube came today, I didn't even use that much, probably like 20ml (yes i checked lole).

Anyways it was still enough to completely slip in and out easily while only reapplying once, it's probably the anticipation, but feeling your insides get pushed around during the first insertion is really hot, the suction power on this cheap ass dildo is amazing, it always sticks on no matter the surface, even in running water, bouncing on it while it sticks firm to any surface, even the floor, i got greedy and fapped my pebis toward the end and felt waves eminating from my pelvic area, my legs turned to jelly afterwards and it was hard to stand up, so I lied down for a bit, my pelvic floor muscles both in the front and also the inner sphincter felt the way they do after I've fapped several times in one day, like a warm fuzzy soreness but also kinda like a painless muscle spasm, they get stuck basically and don't really respond when you flex them for a while, all in all it was pretty nice, far better than the previous 3 times, maybe one day i'll get a prostate-only orgasm
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my bussy is still kinda sore but it feels really nice when I press down on it, like it unlocks the feelings from last night
in this thread you see squishy in his native habitat grooming himself in real time
Replies: >>27886
Not really grooming is it retard
He literally has his own informed consent and has only done things because he wants to

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bad hsir day! im picking up lsd today!!
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you don't need to dum
I have seen Mila's hair it is just a short crumped black hair, it is nothing like yours
anyways that's my quota on this site today
until next time (it was me shimbu who made a couple replies, sorry)
all da meanies being mean 2 wish while also liek wanting 2 liek s*x them or soethinh should liek get a heckin life methinkies ^_^
Replies: >>27866
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#yep this is a good #nigger post (i got kicked out of le nazi groups wtf)
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Replies: >>27829 >>27852
holy shit
holy shit
holy shit
It's the picture!
It's the picture from the memes!
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this! they're DISGUSTING EW 
you should try peating instead of fasting it makes u like literally immortal and live 300 years with no aging as was intended with all humans. --> (not joking read da articles and stuff)

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still no sex but she slept in my arms today c:
Replies: >>27862
everyone but her has seen your dick
>>27860 (OP) 
I am not sure if you are being honest and you did meet a schizo girl or did you just made up someone from ur delusions and started dating it as if it were your tulpa gf

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Wearing women's underwear because they won't sell me men's boxers without a fly in a decent material
what do you have against flies
Replies: >>27858
A lot
They're shit in every possible way and one of the worst inventions in human history
Hurr what if we cut a fuckhuge hole in your underwear and then crudely stitched over it so it's patchwork and horrible and doesn't move or stretch while simultaneously being too thick and cold and not protecting your genitals and not being modest and constantly needing adjustment.
It's straight up unwearable bullshit. Better off wrapping a towel into a loincloth at that point.
Replies: >>27859
i don't really see it... 
flies are a bit pointless though, especially on underwear, i can't remember when was the last time i actually used one for peeing

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me too
I have tons of toxic fusion, cause I love bitter candy
Replies: >>27844
i love sour candy
i love sour skittlesamd sour h
Replies: >>27845
it is awesome
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Replies: >>27847
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if you go to therapy

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the puzzel is finally come together
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MANGOG - Economic Violence
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

1. 	Of Infinity 	07:13 	 
2. 	Suicide Donkey 	03:48 	 
3. 	Shadow Pictures 	05:59 	 
4. 	Economic Violence 	11:30 	 
5. 	Propaganda 	04:10 	 
6. 	Adrift 	04:37 	 
7. 	As the Stars Fall 	03:25 	 
8. 	The Killing Fields 	01:34 	 
9. 	Secret War 	06:24 	 
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im going be honest chief [s4s] has resisted heavy branniepilling for ages

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