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I must have come 5 times in it already
the way it clings to my penis is amazing 
The vacuum is exactly right 
the nubs at the end nestle around my glans 
its just heavenly
make sure to clean and dry these things thoroughly  unless you want an UTI
Replies: >>8259 >>8262
hai hai already did
I tried these once and they felt worse than my hand. I think my dick is broken from  excessive masturbation.
Video of you using the device for purely educational purposes of course
i hated having to clean mine constantly, so i just tossed it.

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yes i want to kms but im okey
Replies: >>8233
wanna talk about it??
Replies: >>8234
I feel like I'm never enough, no matter what I do.
Replies: >>8235 >>8245
your posts are great, i always love seeing you, so i think you actually did something great, if unknown people are happy to see you
cause u arent

kill urself

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I like to make horny lewdposts while the afterglow washes over me and i fall asleep afterwards only to wake up finding munch banned me for 3 days for posting about c**ming and wanting to wear maid outfits and be a housewife (male) aaaaaaaaaa
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Replies: >>3597
I swear, boys wearing maid outfits will never not be wholesome and cute.
sex is for pervs

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I wanna make my daily c**mbrain thread but I ran out of pics to make a new thread with...

just kidding!
god I wish that were me

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im just like the anime girls i yell at my mom and then look at the computer
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Sometimes I just wanna photoshop pics like these to make them flat chested so I can pretend they're cute boys.
Replies: >>8206 >>8220
all boys should be girls and all girls should be boys
cant you pretend that hes wearing pads
Replies: >>8227
do cute boys usually wear pads?

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Is it normal that I self-insert as the girl pretty much any time I fap or fantasize about any sexual activity?

I just can't imagine doing the fugging in my wildest imaginations, it doesn't really do anything for me either.
Replies: >>8215
How come everyone wants to be a bottom, who's gonna top me if everyone wants to be the gril?
I am going to top every one of you sissies.
i only start fantasizing about normal style straight sex involving me as a boy when im bored to death with everything else
>>8134 (OP) 
im gonna insert myself into you
no its not normal why do you need to ask this

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wagies be like

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This is the c**ming into coffee while you're horny and immediately regretting it thread.
You can only post in this itt if you've eaten your own spunk while you were horny and rarted.
Replies: >>8209
Worst thread in the entire site, congrats.
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>>8207 (OP) 
You never actually did that. That was just your prompt to start the thread with that image.
Replies: >>8210
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i did, and I was the one responsible for this thread

and later pic related (i forgot which board lole), probably /pol/ or /trash/
ive done that but it wasnt coffee (dont remember what)
i also used to experiment in the kitchen to come up with a convincing poop like concoction

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admin is pretending to be straight again
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old hag
honest question, do people like the taste of poop?
Replies: >>8201 >>8202
anime girls do
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of course not stop being gross
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I wanted to put my tongue under admin's foreskin and clean up his peepee but just found out he has a mutilated american dick
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>>8111 (trips)
YWNHAUcC is the new YWNBAW
I love you Magick, you're my little penis cheese.
Replies: >>8175
I love you Magick, you're my little smegma cheese.
Replies: >>8175
smegma is not cheese, it has no milk curd
Replies: >>8203
I love you Magick, you're my little milk curd.

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