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I have never seen a woman in a maid outfit. it's a male-only fit. Women's clothes means clothes than women wear. Maid outfits haven't been worn by women outside of Japan since like the 18th century. It's male clothing. Same thing as striped thigh highs. Just because your epic anime boys wear it doesn't mean it's female clothes. It's not even crossdressing. You're dressing like other men because you say another man wear it. it's men's clothes
Replies: >>9474
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>>9473 (OP) 
Oh thank God this means I'm not gay!
Replies: >>9476
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Where can I buy a high quality maid outfit that isn't just lole fetish wear Chinese cosplay tier crap?
Do I have to learn to make my own cosplay?
Replies: >>10277
But that also means you're gay if you're attracted to maid outfits, a male only fit.
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>Where can I buy a high quality maid outfit that isn't just lole fetish wear Chinese cosplay tier crap?
Machine made cosplay is always gonna be spirit halloween tier crap, there's no market for intermediate fetishwear. Even lingerie, a traditional upscale market, is almost all trash that basically operates off the 'people don't know better/don't have the agency to demand better (a la arse tickler's faggot fan club)' principle.
Since obviously, y'know, bespoke clothing is bespoke clothing. It involves craftsmanship and a level of design to the person, so there's no way to make it cheap, and that's the alternative, that's the standard alternative to corner store schlock. Because costumes, where they're made, are typically made by hobbyists, with an essentially unlimited amount well of time and effort to draw from if they choose to.
>Do I have to learn to make my own cosplay?
That is what other people do, so that is what you are ~competing with. That is, it's the standard alternative, to need to have a person (usually the wearer) who does make the cosplay.
women choose to wear some real circus shit
Replies: >>10299
That's just because they have more mass produced categories of clothes to choose from.
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