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Is being an anime induced gender nonbinary femboy just this decades embarrassing goth phase?

I wonder what happens to all those qts on r/femboy who suddenly stop posting, many of them are clearly hiding this stuff from their parents and one day they just stop posting, did they grow out of it or do they go into hiding because their parents won't accept their son wanting to become an anime girl.

Either way, it's really sad that men aren't allowed to dress however they want without extreme scorn and risking disownment even in adulthood.
Replies: >>9296 >>9405 >>9439
femboys simply have an expiry date
Replies: >>9409
>>9294 (OP) 
>Is being an anime induced gender nonbinary femboy just this decades embarrassing goth phase?
Maybe, but if it makes them happy who cares?

>Either way, it's really sad that men aren't allowed to dress however they want without extreme scorn and risking disownment even in adulthood.
The same is true of goth fashion, really. Though it might be making a comeback.
>>9294 (OP) 
you start out with right as motivation then you become left
somwehere between 16 and 20 years old
most men have a window but beyond that it's purely genetics lottery
>>9294 (OP) 
you either troon, twunk or sui
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