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the live-in cosplay meido who lives in ur house and eats ur food and hogs ur bideo games but it's ok because u give her deep prostate beatings every night uwu
under what circumstances is it okay to beat your meido
Replies: >>4129
Like op said, when they eat all ur food and hog ur bideo gaymes and generally don't do maid stuff like a brat
Replies: >>4130
i don't think op meant the same kind of beatings i'm thinking of
OP is gonna beat my prostate??!?
Replies: >>4171
under what circumstances is it okay to choke your meido to death and dump his/her body on the side of the highway
Replies: >>4135
What a waste, you could get at least a month out of him/her by emptying out your fridge.
Replies: >>4140
You'd really let that bowl of leftover rice spoil just so you can store a dead sissy onahole in your fridge?
Replies: >>4145
h-hote, imagine the full month of nakadashi before they turn gross

god I wish that were me
Replies: >>4314
I'm gonna make all ur glands leak them fluids!
you wanna get choked to death and your body stuffed in a fridge to be used as a sex doll everyday for a month?
Replies: >>10555
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I wish someone would do this to me
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