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Do you do anything weird in the bathroom?
I hold my breath while taking a piss up until I reach the sink and turn the water on because I get too grossed out by the thought of breathing in dirty urine air.
Replies: >>10698
that's a bit excessive
you better not look up what happens when you flush the toilet after taking a number two lole
anyway, i pee while sitting and use toilet paper to wipe my pee hole afterwards which i guess is weird for guys but not really something unreasonable from a hygienic perspective
Replies: >>10699
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>>10696 (OP) 
I do the jap 1 or both hands against the wall meme to assert dominance while peeing
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>that's a bit excessive
It only gets bad when it takes too long. Usually not.
>you better not look up what happens when you flush the toilet after taking a number two lole
I think I figure. I'll have to consider that too from now on.
Fucking infohazards.
>i pee while sitting
Damn. You're depriving yourself of one of the major joys of life. You have no idea how much psychological damage you're causing to yourself. You're trading in one of the most relieving and free feeling things a human can do for the opposite.
Think about it.
>monkey stands with good posture = monkey feel good
>monkey stands with bad posture = monkey feel bad
Peeing while being hunched over and probably staring at the ground is just depressing, compared to being high-up and free to stretch your body around or hang your head back, admire the view of the flowing fluid, play around with the trajectory, you name it. It's freedom. 
It might even be that we could trace back some of the psychological differences between men and women to how they were taught to pee.
But you do you. Unless it's because of medical reasons, then I'm sorry.
>use toilet paper to wipe my pee hole afterwards
Right. I sometimes do the same but often don't wanna waste a wipe and feel too lazy. It probably sounds weird to most but it's actually pretty logical. You tend to have that little bit of fluid hanging around the tip even after you're done pissing, and you wipe it with your clothes every single time. Isn't that a bit gross when you think about it?
I've thought before about how most people are actually pretty unhygienic when it comes to their dick.
I mean, why do you wash your hands only after you masturbate, for one? Why not beforehand as well? It's not like your dick gets any dirty while it's safely tucked under your clothes. It's your hands who are constantly touching dirty surfaces and then getting it on the dick who did nothing wrong.
Wiping the toilet seat before you sit down is also something a bunch of people find weird for some reason. That I have nothing to say for. Ew.
Replies: >>10700 >>10709
you are being silly 
it's simply more convenient to pee while sitting cause you don't have to lift the toilet seat or worry about getting urine all over the place 
also it goes without saying i only do that while at home and i stand while peeing everywhere else
Replies: >>10702
bro who tf is reading all this shit
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In what world is lifting the toilet seat is more bothersome than going through all the motions of sitting down and getting back up? There's definitely more energy expended there than just lifting the seat, and it's also less quick which is a factor. I usually have things that I'd rather do than be pissing so I prefer being done with it the instant I stop leaking. Do you lift the cover and the seat one after another? You can just pull both up at the same time.
Both that and from my experience, you have to make sure your dick is looking in a way when you sit down so that it doesn't shoot out of the toilet and that's some extra inconvenience. No, it's not the same as when standing up.
It also feels gross to be that close to where the urine is splashing. I'd take standing up over that even if it was more inconvenient. Though that's probably just me. 
Plus, that's not even a point because you don't have to lift the toilet seat if you just don't have intentionally terrible aim. I'm also too lazy to do it. Even so I don't get it "all over the place", and it's not like I try to aim either. 
I don't get it when someone says that. Even when I have an 7-inch boner up I don't get piss everywhere. What the hell is up with people. There's been people in the world who've had to aim bombs from planes going 400 MPH with almost zero visibility and you can't make sure your piss shoots right. SHAME.
Do you just have a somehow really heavy toilet seat or something, now that I think about it? If that's the case, then fair enough. But you should just get good. Or maybe you were born with terrible piss aim, and I guess that's just that.
Replies: >>10703 >>10767
you wrote out all of this just so you could mention you have a 7 inch penis didn't you
Replies: >>10704
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A few years ago I read somebody saying that you don't get piss on the seat only if you have a small dick, and I had to proof it against that stupid fucking argument.
But I was conscious of what you mean while typing it.
Replies: >>10705
uhh yeah okay 
anyway post dick pics
standing is the bad posture lol wtf are you talking about
if sitting down and standing up is too much effort for you maybe you're just subhuman
>I mean, why do you wash your hands only after you masturbate, for one?
Who the fuck washes their hands after masturbating? The reason you wash your hands is cos you're touching shit (no pun intended) in the bathroom, not because you're touching your dick.
Replies: >>10707 >>10762
i wash my hands after typing a post here
I find that I can clear out that last few ml of urine from my dick if i flex my kegels, it's hard to do this if you've orgasmed at least 3 times that day, they like to turn very sore and unresponsive if you keep flexing them.
i lick da cum
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YOU misunderstood my post. 
YOU are disgusting. 
Replies: >>10763 >>10766
dick pics
Not an argument
Madokanon please post your 7-inch penis. That's way bigger than everyone else's here
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