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Please fill out the survey below and submit your post so that we can keep clear statistics on sexual orientations among the users of
The data will be processed by our website experts and will be used to make your experience more enjoyable.
Furthermore, the publicly available results will help both new users and veterans by giving a sense of direction to those not sure of where they are, and truly affirm those who have their doubts.
Remember to be honest,
Thank you for your time.

[  ] I am NOT Homosexual
[  ] I am Homosexual


[  ] I am NOT Homosexual
[X] I am Homosexual
Replies: >>10185 >>10190
I like to consider myself straight because i like girls but also boys that look like girls and I like to dress up like a girler too so I am in effect attracted to myself cus i look like a gril lole
Replies: >>10160 >>10161
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do you like perrine
Replies: >>10160
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That's complicated. 
I'm writing it down as straight.
Replies: >>10161
i tried looking up a term that would describe such a sexual orientation (which i don't think is particularly rare) but the closest i could find is "gynosexual"  but i think that just means someone who likes women irrespective of their own gender 

uh i don't think wanting to fugg a guy no matter how feminine he looks makes you "straight" in the traditional sense
Replies: >>10162 >>10163
if your partner is playing the part of the girl and you're fugging him and hes making girly noises how is that not straight?
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I didn't really think about it and went down the "if it's just all about liking femininity, it's not gay" route, but I guess that doesn't make sense when you dwell on it?
If it's 3D and has a dick, I suppose it's gay to like it.
madokanon are you gay?
Replies: >>10167 >>10169
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did you even read the op
Replies: >>10169
[  ] I am NOT Homosexual
[X] I am Homosexual
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[X] I am NOT Homosexual
[  ] I am Homosexual
that was an example ya
Replies: >>10170
uhm you said "I'll start" in that screencap, no takesie backsies now i gonna post this on the other [s4s] now lole
Replies: >>10171
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It can't be helped...
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madokanon do you like boysu?
Replies: >>10179
madokanon is a cute str8 femboy
Replies: >>10179
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What is your age?
[ ] 18 or under
[ ] 19-25
[ ] 26-35
[ ] 36-45
[ ] 46-55
[ ] 56 or older

What is your gender?
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Non-binary
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

How do you identify your sexual orientation?
[ ] Heterosexual
[ ] Homosexual
[ ] Bisexual
[ ] Pansexual
[ ] Asexual
[ ] Queer
[ ] Other (please specify): ____

How comfortable are you discussing your sexual orientation with others?
[ ] Very uncomfortable
[ ] Somewhat uncomfortable
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Somewhat comfortable
[ ] Very comfortable

Have you come out to anyone about your sexual orientation?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

If yes, who have you come out to? (select all that apply)
[ ] Family
[ ] Friends
[ ] Coworkers
[ ] Other (please specify): ____

How supportive have the reactions been from those you have come out to?
[ ] Very unsupportive
[ ] Somewhat unsupportive
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Somewhat supportive
[ ] Very supportive

Have you faced any discrimination or negative experiences due to your sexual orientation?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

If yes, please briefly describe the situation(s) and how it made you feel.

On a scale of 1-10, how accepted do you feel in society as a homosexual individual?
[ ] 1 (Not accepted at all)
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5 (Neutral)
[ ] 6
[ ] 7
[ ] 8
[ ] 9
[ ] 10 (Completely accepted)

Do you feel like there is enough representation of the LGBTQ+ community in media and pop culture?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Replies: >>10177 >>10179
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will you just fill the fucking survey
Replies: >>10180
What is your age?
[ ] 18 or under
[ ] 19-25
[ X ] 26-35
[ ] 36-45
[ ] 46-55
[ ] 56 or older

What is your gender?
[ X ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Non-binary
[ ] Prefer not to disclose

How do you identify your sexual orientation?
[ ] Heterosexual
[ ] Homosexual
[ X ] Bisexual
[ ] Pansexual
[ ] Asexual
[ ] Queer
[ ] Other (please specify): ____

How comfortable are you discussing your sexual orientation with others?
[ ] Very uncomfortable
[ X ] Somewhat uncomfortable
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Somewhat comfortable
[ ] Very comfortable

Have you come out to anyone about your sexual orientation?
[ X ] Yes
[ ] No

If yes, who have you come out to? (select all that apply)
[ ] Family
[ X ] Friends
[ ] Coworkers
[ ] Other (please specify): ____

How supportive have the reactions been from those you have come out to?
[ ] Very unsupportive
[ ] Somewhat unsupportive
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Somewhat supportive
[ X ] Very supportive

Have you faced any discrimination or negative experiences due to your sexual orientation?
[ ] Yes
[ X ] No

If yes, please briefly describe the situation(s) and how it made you feel.

On a scale of 1-10, how accepted do you feel in society as a homosexual individual?
[ ] 1 (Not accepted at all)
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5 (Neutral)
[ ] 6
[ ] 7
[ X ] 8
[ ] 9
[ ] 10 (Completely accepted)

Do you feel like there is enough representation of the LGBTQ+ community in media and pop culture?
[ ] Yes
[ X ] No
same-sex attraction is based (unless either or both of the people involved are ugly)
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I am a gay little anime girl
>>10157 (OP) 
[  ] I am NOT Homosexual
[  ] I am Homosexual
[X] I have no idea
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>>10157 (OP) 
[  ] I am NOT Homosexual
[X] I am Homosexual
I don't really understand the question tbqh
People aren't attracted to other people/themselves right? Unless you're completely insane and exclusively a product of your current narrative it's all just fronting, people actually are just attracted to doing things that they enjoy, right?
Replies: >>10211
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are you gonna fill out the survey or will it be your surviving family members
Replies: >>10212 >>10221
what's it to you
Replies: >>10213
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the agency quota i have to fill
Pretty sure I already did
I wasn't sure I guess but I guess hey time really is a flat circle
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