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and that's it, i think i  wasted enough paper, print jobs will still go to the printer but they won't print
Replies: >>39576 >>39584
turn the 1-2 word ones upside down and reuse them
>GMH actually printed out like a script and photographed
Very nice
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This didn't print out ADMINO-KUN?
Replies: >>39585
it did not, it should've but the printer must've borked it somehow...

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fuck children
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>She's utter corporate soullessness.
pretty much cant understand why cucktanai is so popular......
>I have to assume everyone saying it's the new Touhou replacement is joking.
o right its that same line of moeshit thought
next take before adnim starts rulecucking again
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this is literally what happened to Mattress
Replies: >>39565
me the loli
i got out for being jewish
No, and I don't have a driving license either. I'm just as useless as all you sissies.
Replies: >>39583
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I have a driving license.
I am superior to you.

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where tenshi?
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yes where
Replies: >>39466
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ur silly for bumping the thread with random ppl doxxing me in it
Replies: >>39467 >>39581
oh I guess I am sorry
Replies: >>39469
lol it's fine im not upset dont worry
I am not a random person actually

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Would drinking my own pee increase my estrogen levels? I take hrt pills and some of that estrogen is probably in my urine. Would it even make a diffrence if I did? Could I also make other guys trans by making them drink my pee?
Replies: >>39580
squishy kidney stones!
>>39578 (OP) 
we can try it, i would drink your pee

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Check your soup email

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Why do guys become gym bros when they could just take estrogen and watch cartoons all day?
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the last bastion of cholesterol
Replies: >>39554
I'm trapped in a prison of high cholesterol.
Replies: >>39555
fuck children
Replies: >>39556
>its all you hear in this country
george was a handsome visionary ngl

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one sex pls
There's no such thing as sex, Gado.
consent is a myth its always rape
Replies: >>39551
i consent to anything as long as they give me attention lole
Replies: >>39553
stop talking adnim ur a gr*ss pl*b

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Pouring a little skovmoj formula into sluts4sale boys coke.
mattress is trying to steal skovmoj
Replies: >>39532
he'll never be able to
It's Magick's meme he invented it
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I wrote the book on skovmoj.

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no hecking way
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i love when she jumps off the building!!
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this is for real
(this is a simulation)
it's like billion-voice music. the cities here are woven from constantly singing superstrings. the trees and rivers are wondrous creations in colours i could recall the words for but choose not to, created from fabrics there are no words for. there are birds, i notice, which seem, like the rest of their world, to be made of sound. the people here are beautiful - i reach forward and pick a handful of their uncountably many minds, along with a little art, and a little language. i could see it all, given precisely one eternity, but i have a planck heartbeat
then it's over, heaven number seventy-nine dopplering into our wake, torn bodily from its extradimensional moorings, fine structure bucking, scattering and shattering. out here on the edge, every creation is built from other creations and "freedom" is twenty-five times freer. the parenthetical heavens - 1,024 in all - are just a fragile collection of blurry points at the tip of a coloured corkscrewing spark which marks one lane of a route arcing through the dark gap between two unimaginably greater totalities, and as we tumble off the crowded night-lit highway we hurtle through all two*ten of them in an eyeblink
Your Fortune: Super Bad Luck
wish why are you being mean to cute sweet tenshe
wish had a little too much last night
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