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i'll be honest, i don't know who Magick is or what this board is and have only used [s4s] a few times since 2013 (i used it a bit the day it was made) but since it seemed to be a trend i posted an [s4s] thread with the name "Magick" and then i got banned for 30 days for "ban evasion" 

why is Magick and anyone using the name Magick banned from [s4s], and why is he ostensibly a "little" "churro", as some claim? did he establish this website in service of a twink procurement endeavor or something of that sort?
Replies: >>9434
he's just too gay
he made the site so he could be gay without being banned
Replies: >>9429
its ok 2 b gay
Dunkin Donuts put a hit out on him. Can't have his churros encroaching on their turf. 
Big donut will always oppress little churro.
>>9425 (OP) 
idk why I get banned, but it's funny that they ban anyone who uses the name without even checking
Replies: >>9437
Did you start getting randomly banned in september 2021?
Because that's about when I started getting my threads mysteriously deleted for talking about the gay esofres cabal, mentioning any of you guys by name, using any of the characyers used by (then) common femposters like drug meido, avogado6, etc, and I was getting caught in your ban evasion 30 day ebin bans just for talking about cming a lot and blogposting about my cms.
I came from /qa/ where I did pretty much the same thing and when /qa/ was kill I came back t o esofres and kept on coomposting lole
Replies: >>9440
I first got banned 28 Jul 2021
s4s doesn't have janitors, so if you are getting your threads deleted it's being done specifically by a mod himself, same with bans, janitors can't ban, but they can report posts to the mod queue for a mod to act upon it which is i believe how most people get banned, but without janitors this means a mod himself was actually reading the board and came across your post and decided to ban you for whatever reason which is pretty funny when you think about it (also you could get reported by a normal user i guess)
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just evade right after 
it doesnt matter because theyve given up on powertripping and only come around to ban once a week or so
Replies: >>9446
I've evaded so much that they've banned a huge chunk of my ISP's range I think. any tips on how to evade? working proxies/VPNs?
Replies: >>9447
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when they rangebanned me it just got removed after not long. which is automatic afaik so urs might be as well
if not you could go on the irc and ask them to remove it, that has worked for some
vpns idk never bothered. ive heard u can get lucky by going through shitty free chinese ones and finding one that nobody has used yet
Replies: >>9448
there's a "vpn" that works by swapping your ip address with the domestic ip address of another user, which sounds shady as fuck because the other person could very well be downloading illegal stuff with your ip 
anyway I forgot the name of this service, but admin knows about it admin pls tell us
Replies: >>9449 >>9451
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its tuxler i think
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yeah it's tuxler but as you've already said  when you're using  the free version you are allowing other people to use your ip so this can happen lole
Replies: >>9452 >>9453
epic prank
hmm any other options? I'm honestly fine paying for proxies lole

I just don't know of any working ones
Replies: >>9454
well you could pay for tuxler i suppose, if you use premium your ip isn't shared, at least that's what their site says
Magick got all his posts deleted again along with wish.
Munch is back in full force!
I'm getting banned again...
Replies: >>9469
simply post here lole
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