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im sick again pls help its not nice :((((
did you have homemade mayo again
Replies: >>9629
what is it now
Replies: >>9629
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ive never made that tho i thought about it once but i didnt do it mayo is ok in small amounts but i dont like it enough to homemake it
sore throat + tummy feels icky :c
Replies: >>9630 >>9851
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get your affairs in order
Replies: >>9632 >>9842
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ive never had an affair i am faithful
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Excuse me, I am the only one who's allowed to be ill on this board
Replies: >>9637 >>9803
mayo chan would be cuter
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u can have my ill i dont want it pls take it
every shade of nail polish between green and yellow is disgusting
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I'm no doctor but I'll share my tried and tested remedies. 

I imagine you're going through a common cold and if so for a sore throat I'd recommend drinking tea with lemons honey and ginger. Some brands of tea have such ingredients in them but i always like to buy said ingredients and double the dose.
Sleep with a scarf on and do not let yourself get cold, you need to sweat it out to help your immune system infact. 
Simple raw garlic has been used throughout history to cure colds and so I suggest eating a clove of garlic with a meal once everyday until it gets better, it will leave a disgusting aftertaste in your throat but you can help it dissipate quicker with mint candies or probably lemon juice if it bothers you. 
It's all natural so you know I'm not shilling some bigpharma garbo to ya. 

Do try keeping a varied diet to avoid getting sick again, but for now I'd increase your vitamin C, D and zinc levels. Stay strong little squishy :3
Replies: >>9852 >>9854 >>9916
was half expecting you're gonna snuck in eating cummies somewhere in there but it's all actually genuine advice
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My tried and true remedy that works every time, even when I had covid is 400mg ibuproufen and 60mg pseudoepinephrine HCL every 6 hours until the symptoms go away.

It's banned in many countries because it literally becomes meth if you apply heat, that's how you know it's good, but nothing else works for me when I have horrible sinus migranes from the flu, especially not those over the counter meth-free decognestant alternatives like phenylephrine, that shit gives you anxiety attacks.
Replies: >>9916
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thank you frend i am feeling better now i dont have any lelmon or honey but i did drink some tea and ate some crystallized ginger it and it helped :)
OTC pharmaceuticals are scary but they sure work when i had covid i took ibuprofen and it helped a lot yuo have to be careful since they can mess you up real bad if you take them for too long my mom took advil for her migraine pains for years and now she cant sleep without drugs and painkillers dont work on her anymore pls be careful frend :(
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