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I was thinking whether I was really gay or not for liking femboys and wanting to get railed as one and also sexually dominated while dressed up like a girler, but I like women too much, i love how they dress and the sound of high heels walking, their mannerisms (not the nasty ones tho), and i might just be hyperfocused on the idealized concept of a woman that doesn't even exist in 2023, but i think you have to be really really attracted to girls clothes to want to dress up as a girler and get bred lole, i don't really wanna fug girls, i want them to fug me tbh
Replies: >>9210 >>9226
sounds like a gynephilic trans girl
>>9198 (OP) 
are you cute enough to be pegged?
choose one:
1. you stay alone and cling on to your escapist fantasies
2. you put in the hard work to act them out irl
3. you keep it all bottled in for a chance at a normal love life and pray you grow out of it
>>9198 (OP) 
Approach women and ask them out.
it's cute that society is full of pluralgenders and neuroqueers and ftmtftxtf's and so on and you can still find people desperately confused about how they could ever be a crossdresser if they're bi
Replies: >>9229 >>9231
the internet is full of weebs and they all have no friends
my favorite gender is ft(mtf), something about them really hits the spot
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