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I may have to go to jail...
I stopped a burglar from breaking into a car by punching him in the face, his jaw was dislocated and he was knocked out on the floor. Worst case scenario I get 5 years for assault.
Replies: >>9181
are you being serious
anyway shouldn't you stopping a crime be a considerable extenuating circumstance

also you're literally mentally ill and have the medical documentation to prove it and if the worst comes to pass simply plead insanity lole
The policeman just said that they may have to check if I overreacted. May be that it goes to court
Don't they put me in psychiatric forensics then?
yeah just say you had a panic attack and that you feared for your life, that'd get you institutionalized quick
Replies: >>9181
maybe you'll make a friend
>>9174 (OP) 
You probably won't, source: I nearly killed a man, broke two fingers, a nose, and several of his teeth, and burned his face with a cig. They just put me in the psych ward for only a month and had to pay a fine. And I didn't even stop a crime, he was just bullying me. No court, and literally no interrogation because I just admitted everything.

Also this, and say that you were drunk. These always are attenuating circumstances.
Replies: >>9184
Do not agree to a police interview without legal advice from a lawyer.
refugees welcome
you did the right thing avocado porner
Pleading insanity is a one way ticket to the insane asylum, it's functionally still prison, just with a different name.
Replies: >>9202
As far as I know, no where in the EU has asylums where they can keep you in for more than six months
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