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im going to die
Replies: >>8823 >>8865
long time no see
how was been life treating you
Replies: >>8831
>>8814 (OP) 
I'm so glad you're back, I thought you gone forever... How are you? What happened?
Replies: >>8831
yosho says die
yosho says ""
Have good luck on eBay at the moment. Bought myself a laptop. The seller thought he had the older model but I got the successor model.
I took a break from 4chan and sluts4sale but I feel very lonely when I have no one to write with, so I came back.
Replies: >>8835
Great deal with the laptop!
>I took a break from 4chan and sluts4sale but I feel very lonely when I have no one to write with
That's the same reason for me to still use these sites
Replies: >>8836 >>8837
they make me feel even lonelier
Replies: >>8838
Sometimes it is important to take a break, my mental health always deteriorates when I am on imagesboards
Replies: >>8838
The funny thing is that I have better mental health when I'm on these sites, at least I talk to other people.
But if you feel like taking a break, just do it! Always do what's best for you!
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I misseded you abagadoposting-san.
>>8814 (OP) 
do you have any dutch friends you could introduce me to
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