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hey anon, you wanna experience a prostate orgasm?
Replies: >>8117
>>7341 (OP) 
imagine she ties you up and brings you to prostate orgasm with her toys but doesn't stop and you just keep orgasming over and over until it hurts
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i dont get the appeal of this cause wouldnt there be a lot of poop-related issues
Replies: >>8120
Bussies must be flushed out with water before usage.
Replies: >>8122
this sounds like a very tedious process
nothing says sexy more than having to plan and prepare in advance every time you want to have sex
Replies: >>8124
just don't eat the day you plan to have seggs and you won't have to clean anything
Replies: >>8125
i'm sure heterosexual sex probably isn't as spontaneous as one would like either but i dunno this is just interfering with my fantasy of interrupting my unsuspecting boy-wife's cooking and raping them right then and there on the floor because i  happened to get a stiffy at that moment
just develop a thing for poop
Replies: >>8129
and thats retarded the food would get messed up probably
seriously though, how do bottoms even function when they're in a relationship and are living with/close to their partner 

provided they both have the same libido as the average male, they'd be having sex every day at the very least if not several times a day, do bottoms then just spend the entire time in the bathroom taking enemas or something or is anal sex simply not the default sexual activity?
Replies: >>8131
You vill scoop up the boi chocolate down into your mouth before ze homosexual intercoise
I think they just settle for mutual handjobs and frottage, the underrated yet superior form of sex.
I like the "welcome home" scenario better, where your boiwife greets you and says dinner is ready, "or would you rather have me?? jk"
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You could still do that, my doujins say girls (male) will pass out during fugs if you just shove ur bepsi in their butt all at once without warning lole
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